Archives for March 2012


Skin Suit

What do you think of when you hear the word incarnational? This is my husbands new favorite term! {the idea}

Jesus with skin on. That was the 90s term along with other phrases like living for Jesus, what would Jesus do, being Jesus to the lost.

All of those are true. Incarnational is the newest description of the concept of dying to yourself and committing your life to the advancement of the gospel of Christ.

What is your God-given personality? Excluding your sinful habits and temptations your prone to. What are your interests? What makes you laugh, cry, hide, dance? Where did you grow up, go to school? Who did you marry? Where have you chosen to live now?

All of these things God want to use. He has created you a specific way and placed you in a particular way. All "for such a time as this". {Esther 4:14}

The body of Christ needs you to be Jesus with your skin on. How are you doing that?


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Guest Posts!?!

I've been reading this new book by AmyBayliss called Pursuit of Proverbs 31. Love It! {slow reader though, still at it}

In the book it discusses who Proverbs 31 is really taking about and what is really expected of us. Without spoiling the entire book I'll just say it's super insightful and I'm learning a lot. You get get a copy HERE {warning: affiliate link}.

Slightly connected but disconnected is the fact that the women mentioned in that 31st chapter is listed at "having help". Yep, lil miss thang didn't do it all on her own.

With that being said, I need help ;o)

I love writing but with all the stuff going on in my life I'm falling short on being consistent {as much as I'd like}. I want my readers to find fresh posts that are encouraging, up lifting, real life, helpful, and fun. Just like those of us who read blogs are.

I've said in the past that I don't want this to necessarily become a demand on my time or a nagging job but there are too many awesome ladies out there with so many jewels to share that I'd like to give them {maybe YOU} a chance to share them here with us.

If you are interested shoot me a message at Jules Rothacher at yahoo dot com! Thanks!!!

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Homemade Yogurt Melts {Thoughtful Thursday}

Have you ever tried Graduates' yogurt melts? Well, I haven't. But my kids have ;o)

I like that these are a healthy snack they can feed themselves as soon as they start eating finger foods. I also like that they're not really messy!

A little while back I saw the next picture on Pinterest {imagine that} as well as it's recipe for making yogurt dipped blueberries that you freeze. Cool! I don't like blueberries or yogurt. But my kids do! Jamin is still working on teeth so I'm not confident in giving him the blueberries so I decided to make my own, homemade, yogurt melts!

I took my handheld blender and blended up the strawberry yogurt so it would be completely smooth with no big chunks.

Then I simply dripped little dots {some not so little} onto wax/parchment paper on a cookie sheet and put it into the deep freeze for a few hours.

Score! He LOVES them! So do my older girls. They are definitely messier than the Graduates version but cheaper.

~~~~ Just found this blog on Pinterest: Love the medicine dropper tool to get more accurate drops! ~~~~~

What kind of homemade tricks to you have up your sleeves?
Will you be thoughtful and share the link in the comments below? Thanks!!!

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I think somebody inherited the OCD gene...

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This past week Matt and I took some of our Relentless students to St Louis on a
Spring Break trip while our children had a 5 day sleepover at their Nanna's house.

Limbo doesn't even begin to explain where I'm at right now. Our family is not playing a simple game of see who can keep their balance while crawling under a pole. No, we have been on a full-blown roller coaster with an end beyond the horizon filled with flips, tight turns, giant loops, and hills that take your stomach away and force out feelings you didn't know you had. All this since October of 2011. Going and going and going...

Preparing to travel. Traveling. Preparing kids to be away from home. Readjusting to being home. Preparing to travel again. And the cycle starts over.

Where is the recovery in this cycle?

We're all running in circles.

Where is the rest?

We're all tired and sick.

Where is the peace?

We're all on edge; our bodies sore with stress.

Our poor home has felt the wake of this coaster. It's winds blowing through reeking havoc in every corner of clutter. Filling trash cans with debris. Tearing our home to pieces, literally.

We need time to stretch the aches out of our inner most muscles. Time to rest our eyes not just in sleep but from the hustle and bustle of looking for what's next. Time to regroup, reorganize, clear out, clean up, settle down, have a seat, Enjoy one another.

I'm ready for a smaller house. A smaller yard. Less maintenance. Less responsibility. I want a to-do list diet: fewer things on my plate that are making me chubby with anxiety.

I'm ready for routine. I'm ready for predictable. Not just knowing about the millions of things that are filling up our calendar but a standard. I'm ready for almost dull, monotonous, SLOW way of life.

I'm trying to find peace and enjoy this stage. I don't wanna miss life as we are traveling through it. I'm so glad I have my camera back so I can remember to stop and capture each moment. Not only to remember it later but to notice it now.

I know God did not build us to run as fast as the machines we've created. I want to get back to the pace of the garden. Walking in the cool of the evening! Chatting with our maker. awe...

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