Fourth baby. Learning this stage all over again. Having a tree without a cage around it takes a bit of "Tree Training". I'm talking about some of the things we do with our little(s) over at Successful Homemakers today. 😀
Missional Living Room Layout with Lots of Littles
We finally took on the challenge of "rotating" our living room.
Have you ever viewed your home's layout as intentional for furthering the Kingdom? Call me crazy, but I'm starting to see everything in my life as a possibility to share Christ...even down to how I decorate or arrange my home. Let me explain, I'm sharing over on Successful Homemakers, how and why my family recently rotated our living room.
Surviving a Sudden Side Job
I'm excited to announce that the Homemaker's Challenge is switching things up from now on! Rather than themes for each month, we are moving to a "collum" based contributor site where each writer will share out their wheel-base. I bet none of you will ever guess what my collunm will be about! {sarcasm} Life with Lots of Littles! So, for all my mamma friends with a load of lots of littles, the 3rd Tuesday of every month, I'm hear to talk straight to YOU! This months:
When you are raising lots of littles, finding "spare time" to have an extra side job to meet financial goals can be tough. Today I am sharing from my failed attempt at this. Here are my 7 tips for Surviving a Sudden Side Job with Lots of Littles.
Preparing Food for Maternity Leave
Back in December, Elizabeth Ree, my fourth child was born via c-section with my older three all being under 5 and 1/2 years old. I knew my church family was planning to try and help with meals during this time of recovery and transition in our home but with it being directly between two major holidays, I didn't want feeding my family to be the responsibility of anyone else.
Preparing Food for Maternity Leave
{or any other cooking hiatus like Summer Time!}
I decided to spend about two days cooking, cooking, and cooking some more. After friends brought us some meals, and the freezer was empty, it was March. That's right, other than weekly milk runs, we didn't have to grocery shop or do major meal prep for two and a half months.
I'm sharing how I prepared food for my "maternity leave" over at the Homemaker's Challenge today is ya wanna read. 😀