Apparently having a December baby made my mind blank out on several of the other things I was hoping to accomplish around the holidays. Sadly, most of those had to do with this blog. Soooo, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I have TWO awesome giveaways for you!
Operation Christmas Child:
A Story of a Simple Gift
This is a book full of how Operation Christmas Child began and it also has tons of awesome stories that happened along the way.
What's in the Bible Vol 10
This is THE best kids series I know of that teach them about the basics of the bible in a way they can understand. Although this is vol 10, where better to start than with JESUS!?!
How to enter?
*Like the as Jules is going Facebook page 😀 When the page reaches 350 likes, I will choose 2 random "likers" as the winners! Go ahead and like, tweet, pin, and share your hearts out so I can get these bad boys in the mail!!!

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