Celebrate the Moms in Your Church with Laughter
As a pastor, would you ever think of laughing off Mother's Day? Well, this year, you should! The new movie MOMS' NIGHT OUT is a wholesome and hilarious comedy that will help your church truly celebrate the role of moms.
Great Free Resources
There's a heartfelt scene toward the end of MOMS' NIGHT OUT that encourages and celebrates moms. You can download that scene for free on the movie's resource site. In addition, you can access a Mother's Day message from Dr. David Platt and find other great tools as well.
Make the Most of Moms' Night Out
Pastor Michael Catt's Sherwood Baptist Church is buying out seats at their local theater to celebrate moms in their church and their community. "Absolutely, I would recommend it. We're not going to do service Mother's Day Sunday night. We're encouraging people to go to the theater."
"MOMS' NIGHT OUT is a "very funny movie that is entertaining, while at the same time has an underlying message that needs to be heard." David Platt, Senior Pastor, The Church at Brook Hills, Author, Radical
"MOMS' NIGHT OUT is not only an incredibly funny and relatable film for moms, but SURPRISE! A movie that the whole family will still be laughing about and quoting days after seeing it. Count this family in for a Family Movie Night on Mother's Day weekend." Pastors Matthew and Caroline Barnett, Dream Center and Angelus Temple
"MOMS' NIGHT OUT will literally have you 'rolling in the aisle' and talking about it for days and weeks to come. Truly, it is a gift this Mother's Day worth investing in." Keith Loy, Lead Pastor, Celebrate Community Church
The Valley Church was planted on Easter 2013. Our church was NOT destroyed by the tornado because the church is a people not a building. Our meeting space may be gone but we will continue to be a light for Jesus in this community!
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