Thoughtful Thursday is {usually} a weekly post where I like to share recipes, crafts, DIY projects, or other helpful/thoughtful things I love! Welcome to the 1st 2014 Thoughtful Thursday!!!
I know you're not surprised but I tend to 1/2 read recipes and end up 'messing up' the recipe. Sometimes it turns out yummy though & my way is usually easier {because I'm lazy}.
Tonight I'm sharing MY recipe for Strawberry Shortcakes that are EeeeeZeeee!
The original recipe {I messed up} was from Betty Crocker's BIG RED Cookbook- classic!
Baking Ingredients
- 1/2 Sugar
- 1/3 cup margarine
- 2 cups all-purpose Flour
- 3 tsp Baking Powder
- 1 tsp Salt
- 3/4 cup Milk
Baking Directions
- Preheat oven 450'.
- In a mixer, combine sugar & margarine until creamy.
- Slowly add 1/2 the flour, then the baking powder and salt, and then the rest of the flour.
- When that's all mixed up, add the milk and mix until it's a thick pancake batter consistency.
- Spray a cookie sheet with no-stick spray and then begin plopping globs of the batter on the pan. {I used a large spoon ~2tbs}
You can get about 8-11 on a large cookie sheet without them running into one another & baking together. - Bake 10-12 minutes or until golden brown {around the edges. if the top is browning, the bottom is likely black}
Serving Ingredients {per serving}
- 1-2 shortcakes
- 1/4 cool whip
- strawberry syrup
Serving Directions
- I like to either divide a single shortcake or use 2 to make a sandwich
- Put the dollop of cool whip inside
- Then drizzle with the strawberry syrup.
- If you like real strawberries, throw some of those on there, too.

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