Do any of you ever watch Parenthood?
I'm so sad its starting its last season this Thursday. One of my favorite things about the show is the real life conversation. Everyone kind of interrupting one another, anticipating what the other is going to say, naturally blending conversations rather than just producing their lines. If makes it feel real. Although their lifestyle isn't one I wish for my children, there are some aspects o I love. One of which being the sibling love!
I love watching my children interact with one another. Having their own conversations. Each opinion oozing out of very different personalities. Sometime agreeing on things we've taught them or better yet, teaching each other things they've been taught.
One of my favorite things we own is this awesome swingset. I've wanted a nice yard and swingset for a long time. I remember being a kid and spending tons of time outside tipping over our metal swingset. lol
We set up the swings so I could easily see them out the kitchen window. I'm sure my friends are tiered of seeing seemingly the same pictures of my kids on the same ol' swings but I love it!!! It makes my heart so happy to watch them just sing'n and swing'n. Taking turns and pushing one another. Melt. Your. Heart.
Although it makes me nervous some times when I'm not supervising their every interaction, making sure its appropriate, I think it helps my children learn one another. Learn how they work as individuals and {wait for it} a sibling unit. I want them to have a beautiful love-hate relationship within their own little world. One that will outlast their parents. One like the Braverman clan, where weekly interactions aren't too much, knowing the innermost functions of each separate family yet how they work together, and that in a moments notice, they all know they can be celebrated, mourned, or advised at the drop of a hat.

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