31 Days to Clean Having a Martha House the Mary way
Day 27 - Becoming Friends with Goodwill
Mary Challenge: Get a box ready for Goodwill. No wait, get boxes ready for Goodwill.
We, as family, are HUGE fans of get rid of unnecessary things. BUT we have chosen to donate some of our extras in a different way. See:
Martha Challenge: Utility Room – Wash inside of windows and clean window treatments. Wash walls and dust ceilings.
LOVED THIS! My laundry room has one tiny windows and now window treatments so this went fast. The walls and ceiling were recently painted to I skipped the dusting part.
Day 28 – Who Are You Trying to Please
Mary Challenge: Are there areas in your life where you are experiencing a burden of guilt? Ask your husband what he thinks about what you are feeling guilty about.
Relief! LOVED this story and to read the tons of insight in this book get your copy at http://31daystoclean.com/.
Martha Challenge: Utility Room – Scrub sink and clean drains – use Drano or some other drain cleaner.
Once again, YAY for no sink in the UR!!! Check!
Day 29 – To Hire Help or Not to Hire Help
Mary Challenge: Spend some time in prayer thanking God for all that you do have. The areas in your life that you feel like you’re drowning in, ask God to show you where you can find some help.
Martha Challenge: Utility Room – Clean out and organize closet.
Weirdo Alert! LOVED this breezy last week of cleaning and of course the organizing!
Utility Closet Before:
Drug everything out to sort...
What I found...
Day 30 – Contentment in the Season of Your Life
Mary Challenge: Write down 10 things you are thankful for today.
1. My Lord who saved me from what I deserve and who desires a daily relationship with silly, mixed up me
2. My God-fearing Husband who is leading my family toward Jesus and loves me in ways I didn't know I needed
3. Magdalen Reese- my "3-in-June" preschooler whose brain won't slow down long enough for her to spit those newly learned big girl words out
4. Isabella Ruth- my ~1.5 year old who is the goofiest kid I've ever met, never siesting to make me laugh and smile
5. Benjamin Ryan- my 4.5 month old who is a physically strong baby with personality to keep up with his boisterous older sisters
6. My family in blood and law, for raising me, shapping me, and guiding me to be who God is calling me to be
7. Long distance forever friends- always picking up Right where we left off!
8. My church family, Central Baptist Pine Bluff, AR (esp- Journey Sunday School Class): friends chasing after Jesus together-
who knew it could be so much fun!?!
9. My home- HUGE (3000 square foot) BLESSING! Using it to host to the fullest of our ability
10. My Health- not just in a cheesy generic sense but for reals! I have the capability to physically and mentally enjoy the above blessings!
Martha Challenge: Utility Room - Trow away any expired cleaning products or bottles you have lying around. Sweep and mop floors.
Did this while cleaning out and organizing
Day 31 – Balancing it All
Mary Challenge: Kiss your husband, giggle with your kiddos, and soak in the Word of your God.
Martha Challenge: Rest. You’ve done a great job!
I WIN!!! I finished in MAY! Maybe not the way I thought I would but technically done! Thank you Sarah Mae for this amazing challenge!