Last night was a sleepless night in our house.
Around 10pm we woke up Ellie {8 weeks} and changed, fed, and put her to bed for we headed off to bed ourselves. While getting meds for the sick hubs and it started. Izzie. Screaming from her bedroom. I hurried in there to hopefully figure out what was wrong before she woke everyone else.
What caused the panicked scream? Her knee hurt... Through all the crying and whining I think what happened was when she rolled over in her bed {apparently violently} she hit her knees on the wall... Yeah, that requires blood curdling screams.
After a long road of
- snuggles
- talking
- multiple trips back and forth from my room
- giving permission for the now wide-awake Mags to snuggle with Izzie
- a drink of water
- "medicine" {icey hot} on her knees
I just new we were back on track for a good night's sleep.
I made it back to my bed just in time for Izzie to start whaling as she marched into my room to tell Matt of her ailment. He sent her back to bed and gave Mags permission to sleep in the guest room since the single bed of snuggles wasn't working.
A few hours later when Ellie woke up again to eat, Matt made a trip to calm the girls.
A few hours after that Ellie woke Again to eat and the poor girls snot-filled nose wouldn't let her go right back to sleep. Matt was taking a turn soothing her after the evil snot-sucker episode when I hear, "Girls! Go back to bed." I look at the end of the bed to see two silent sisters standing next to one another and staring at their daddy.
I have not idea how little sleep they really got. Craziness.
Somehow The Brother slept through the entire night, wondering in our room {early for him} at 6:45ish. The girls followed suit shortly.
This was a recipe for a disastrous day! I decided to try to get out in front of it before things went south fast. After breakfast and a shower I told the kids to get dressed fast. {They LOVE going} Today was Jamin's Nanna day so he was pumped to go hang out with his grandparents so while the girls finished dressing I fed Ellie {again} and loaded them up. The sick hubs stayed with Ellie.
Where were we going that was so excited you ask? Target. lol I told ya. They just like going. I had been thinking about getting the kids a play broom {kid-sized} so they could do their sweeping chore easier so we headed out in search of a broom!
- located meds for hubs
- scored the last play broom in the whole store
- found a cute clearance pillow case {Thoughtful Thursday post coming soon}
Our round trip was less than an hour and half and that's 20 minutes one way into town. 😀
One the way home we turned off the colors songs 8[ and rocked out to some Air1 for some mommy sanity. Izzie heard a new song and announced it was her favorite. {lub her} As she tried to sing the catchy yet slightly cheese song in the back seat it was clear that we were "counting our rainbows" by enjoying one another today after a long dark sleepless night.
Thanks Air1 for broadcasting truth
for my babies to learn and love!

I got exhausted just reading about your night! I am convinced parenting is designed to be a young person’s vocation as I am pretty sure more then one or two nights like that a month (let alone a week) would make me a total beast! 🙂
I love that your mission was for a toy broom! The girlies had one when they were little and my husband hung onto it long after they out grew it since he thought it was helpful for getting every last speck into the dust pan without resorting to getting down on your knees!
Rebecca D recently posted..That Escalated Quickly…
I may be fairly young but too many more of these is gonna do me in. And the broom is working GREAT! I may even add Jamin {3} to the sweeping chore bc of the cute lil thing. It was more than I wanted to pay {$12 for the broom, little sweeper, and a dust pan} but I have a feeling its gonna be totally worth it. 😀