My kids have already gone nuts and it's only December 1st.
We've been told {all summer long} that it's going be a terrible winter here in Arkansas, meaning it will be colder than normal with lots of ice. Great. I've actually been a little nervous about it. Normally we have an amazing backyard for shaking the wiggles out but with fridged winds, that's not an easy option. Like every normal mom {Ha Ha} I've been on Pinterest searching for indoor winter activities to help with the winter blues, lack of sunlight, and long days stuck inside {with one another} but I really didn't expect to have to use any of that stuff until maybe after Christmas.
Today it hit. The last two days were typical menopausal Arkansas. Friday it was chilly, Saturday and Sunday were beautiful {in the 70s}, and today, nasty rain, gray, and C.O.L.D. all of a sudden. and we wonder why we're always sick... Not only was the weather awful but everything landed on the same day. You know the day: absolutely nothing in the fridge/pantry which means menu planning and major grocery shopping, it's the first of the month so you need to do a budget {and if you're like us, have to get cash out for envelopes}, first of the week and I have No lesson plans for homeschool ready, AND then on top of that, it's December when I wanted to start our advent calendar and finish decorating.
For us that means we had to scavenge around for scraps to eat for breakfast, rush grouchy {visiting-family-hang-over} kids to finish chores and get dressed while making a budget, menu, and grocery list synonymously. Needless to say, by the time we were loaded, 1/2 buckled, and heading to the bank and store, I had used up all my good by 9:20 am.
I'm sure the kids were just being kids but they we on my every nerve. I tried to redeem the day multiples times but everything seemed to fall short. Morning Sonic happy hour drink. Fun laughs in the Christmas section with the kids {out of the norm to go into this zone}. Candy cane treats to up the morals of the troops 1/2 way through shopping. Hubs fixing lunch since we were late for lunch. All kids napping at the same time. Ice cream for our afternoon snack while watching a Christmas movie. Decorating the tree. Family wrestle time. Junie B. Jones Christmas book reading. NOTHING. It all fell short.
Maybe I'm just PMSing. Maybe my kids need more vitamin D and running. Or maybe this is all yet another reminder that Jesus is the only True light at the end of the tunnel and "in the morning, behold [everything else the world offers is] Leah." {Genesis 29:25} Dissatisfying.
Don't get your panties all in a bunch just yet. All I'm saying is motherhood has it's ups and downs even for the Pinterest-perfect moms on Facebook, though they make me wanna cry about my 'failures' on a regular basis and should possibly be shot based on the false-advertising. Anything can become an idol in our world. No matter how skilled we become at something even as harrowing as motherhood, if we dedicate our entire life, all of our being and energy, and tie up all our hopes, dreams, and joy in it- it's going to be Leah {with dissatisfying world} not Rachel {Christ, the only one in whom all our world can be banked on} when it comes to our wedding day.

Argh! Winter can be SO hard. As much as they com pain about my kids absolutely have to have outside time everyday or they turn into crazy people – which makes me crazy!
Paula recently posted..Minted and the Sea Cucumber
Thank you! This is what I’m say’n! I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. Today we started our day with a frigged walk around the neighborhood to try and shake our wiggles out. it helped…a little… 😉