I have always admired my friends who could reupholster things. I'm talking full couches and stuff. I've never been brave enough to try it, ya know, 'cause it would cost big money if I messed it up...
So when my hubs came home with some bar stools out of the blue that a friend gave him for free I thought I'd give it a try on these for a few reasons: they were free, the seats were so small it would only take a tiny bit of fabric, AND we can only fit 3 stools across our bar leaving 1 to be my guinea pig!
- bar stools
- screw driver
- fabric
- staple gun {and staples}
- Started with the most beat-up one {mine had splattered paint on it & was missing a screw} so you can test your skills.
- Take out screws on the bottom. I removed them all because I was also considering painting them so I wanted to see if it could be done but if you're not, just remove the ones hold the cushion on.
- Cleaned the cushion off really well.
- Cut fabric to the right size. I had 1 yard and cut it into 4 pieces leaving them close to 1x1 foot each.
- Remove decorative cover that is hiding the manufacture's staples so you can reuse it when you're done. {but you could make your own if needed}
- Place fabric print side down.
- Put your cushion face down directly in the middle of the fabric.
- Pull the 4 corners up and staple tight into place.
- Begin gathering tightly and stapling the rest of the fabric in a circular manner until you've gone all the way around the cushion.
- Cut off excess fabric.
- Reattach the decorate fabric to cover raw fabric edges and staples.
- Reattach the cushion to bar stool legs.

I love your bright cherry fabric choice! I am currently looking for fun throw pillows but all of the ones I am finding are all “natural” looking and not cheerful… I wish I had time to make some! I used to do a lot more DIY stuff but these days I find I have a lot less time to finish projects and it is worth it to me to pay others to do it. I remember when I was at home with little ones and my mother told me that when I was middle age I’d have less time and I thought she was nuts… Like most things she is right!
Rebecca D recently posted..Productivity…
You know I LOVE bright colors. Even in the winter. I’m so glad my black and brown wearing hubs loves me enough to let me decorate my “office”, aka our home in cheerful colors. He, in his wisdom, is always telling me to consider if my time is worth the cost of letting someone else do it and you are so right, sometimes, it pays to let someone else do the DIY for ya.
Speaking of, Hobby Lobby has some awesome {inexpensive} pillow covers. I had a neutral colored pillow that was falling apart. I’d stitched it at least once but when I found a fun colored cover, I snatched that bad boy up. Maybe you could recover your current ones OR find cheap ugly ones at the Goodwill or something and use covers from Hobs the Lobs?!? {I’ll try and shoot ya a pic on FB so you can see what I’m talking about}
Great Article! Exactly what I was looking for…
Yay! I’m glad it was helpful. 😀