My children sit in the backseat squabbling. With months of travel under their belts they've run out of games, drawing pads, and have flat worn out the portable DVD players, and me! Now...they pick fights. That's entertaining, right?
Izzie, middle child {wamp wamp wamp} apparently has nothing better to do than to find interesting ways to become noticed. Drama Queen. Her new favorite? State falsehoods. What is that you say? Being a doober! Izzie will, mid-conversation, suddenly state that the grass outside the window is blue. Yep. That's right. Complete and utter lie. Who cares, you may be thinking? Why would she do that? Because MAGGIE cares!
Maggie, first child {wamp wamp wamp} will melt at the first inkling of something false. She thrives on truth, memorization, and basically being right. She will freak out!!! You know the kicking, screaming, thrashing, mom-Izzie-is-saying-things-that-aren't-true kind of freaking out. She will not cease until all is right with the world defense of that poor GREEN, not blue, grass.
Izzie, she could care less what the correct name is for the color of the grass. She is enjoying life, cruising along on her road trip, laughing to herself over the free entertainment she has created for herself.
Jamin, youngest child {wamp wamp wamp} doesn't have a care in the world and, in between laughing at the girls squabble, is making sure his own juice cup is topped off.
Our Godly-parenting solution? "Maggie, who cares?!? Is Izzie right? No. Does it matter? Not really. She knows she's wrong, you know she's wrong, we know she's wrong, she knows we know she's wrong. Your screaming at her doesn't change any of that. Hush."
Hmmmm, interesting. God always teaches me intriguing things when my kids are being annoying boogers.
Same Sex Marriage...or any controversial topic for that matter,
some of you may already see where I'm going with this...maybe I don't need to explain...
Drama filled trips with my littles is almost as fun-filled as watching adults create drama out of literal thin air on Facebook...not!
"But they're wrong & its a sin!"
Christians, who cares?!?
Are they right? No. {based on scripture alone not your stinky opinion}
Does it matter? Not really. {God's opinion & record of wrong is the only thing that matters}
They know we believe its wrong and a sin.
You know we believe its wrong and a sin.
They knows we know we believe its wrong and a sin.
Is your screaming, ranting, protesting, changing profile pictures AT them really gonna change any of that? <Tweet This>
Setting up "battle lines" is pure silliness and is accomplishing nothing but making sure everyone in the "car" knows we know we're "right". Battle lines imply we're in a war and we are, but not against the people picking fights with. {We wage war not against flesh and blood 2 Corinthians 10:3-4} We are not soldiers defending God either. I mean, really...He doesn't need defending and by bwahahaha.
We are actually messengers of his grace and goodness. {2 Corinthians 5:20 says, "Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God."}
We have escaped the prison of sin and death, and now are assigned the rescue mission of aiding the POW's still captive.
The problem comes when the POW fires at us. They don't realize they're a prisoner, and they view us as a threat coming to do them harm. When we "fire back" at them, we've drawn up battle lines that we shouldn't. We are to continue to plead with them to come to Christ (to escape the prison that is sin).
It would just be mean of us to stand outside the prison taunting them with picket signs announcing their captivity.
Attempt rescue missions. That's all we can do. Debating never changes a point of view. Debates just keep points: a record of rights and wrongs. If we love, viewing everyone as a friend to be rescued, the mission will change our tactics.
If this post resonated with you and/or know someone who needs to hear, not all who call themselves Christians are tools, please share.This week, of what should be reflection, lets reevaluate which team are we are standing with. Team Jesus: meekness, humility, love, truth. OR Team Me: aggressiveness, defense, pride and boasting in the name of "truth" which comes out, not as love, but hate? The chose is yours. And no, you don't have to wear the t-shirt.

… is making sure his own juice cup is topped off….
laughed out loud.
That’s what I’m here for.
You know its true, too