Kids meals? We never do kids meals. But sitting at a Taco joint with friends whom I had no idea would forever be in my heart we splurged. These little kids-meal-toys are a reminder of how God has funny ways of moving us through seasons of blessings.
Don't get me wrong, in every season we are blessed but the form in which they come is ever changing. That night, a journey of blessing would start from that parking lot; one that can never be repaid.
On a wintry night weeks earlier, our dear friends were approaching God on our behalf. At the time, we were only weeks away from launching and having our first ever service at the valley...and we still lived an hour and a half away. They plead for God's intervention through tears of compassion knowing God has something crazy in store. And God Answered!
Minutes later, our intercessors were approached by another family who knew God was asking them to step in but didn't quite understand how they could help. A few days later, those pieces of God's master plan were exposed to us in glorious fashion.
As we finished up tacos and my children were shocked by the "spiciness" of fruit-punch from the fountain, we were unprepared for the amazing tool we was going to use in our lives for this season. We walked into the parking lot and met a family that would bless us without even knowing us as we proceeded in a caravan through the woods, down Hidden Valley Dr to be offered shelter after a season of drought.
Thus began our season of the borrowed home in the Hidden Valley. A home that fit our family's needs perfectly was placed before us and ask "will this work?" as if there would be any question in our minds. God prepared this, there's no turning down such a blessing out of pride because there's no way we could ever repay such an offering.
In March of 2013, humbly and beyond excited, our world turned the page on a new chapter and in less than a week's time, we moved our essentials into a borrowed home and lived there 4 months. That season was filled with moments that still bring tears to my eyes as God lavished His love upon us through the love of others, family bonding, and rest. Much needed Rest. Rest we didn't know we needed in a time of fast pace preparation.
I'll never be able to express how thankful I am to both of those families for being willing to be used by God in such a mighty way during a season we so desperately needed them but in short
Thank you for the natural oasis that was a perfect classroom to teach us what making memories as a family can look like. The first, adventures, learning, and memories we created during this season will forever be treasured in my overflowing heart.

I’m sitting here in tears….
Love you girl and am so glad God crossed our paths!