I know Valentine’s Day is totally a commercialized holiday BUT since its everywhere, it can be super cute and fun to decorate for, AND because Jesus is all about L.O.V.E. we ‘celebrate’ it.
In years past {shortly after the evil Pinterest reared its evil head} I was so methodical, preplanned, over-the-top, and giddy about this holiday. We had tons of decorations, lil parties, a love note 'station', etc. Now…I think I have too much on my plate or I’ve gotten incredibly lazy. Or maybe both.
This year, the only things I’ve managed to actually do on my wishful list of v-day fun is get the tiny mailboxes out {minus the entire Love Note Station}, let the kids put up some window clings, printed some of the homeschool <3 activities, and send invitations for a Kids’ Valentine’s Day Party {aka Parents Night Out} for Valentine’s Day evening {similar to last years}.
Here are more themed resources:
Math, Graphing, Addition/Subtraction, Patterns
Sorting, other PreK FREE Printables, for Toddlers
Games: Shooters
Beginning Sounds, Sight Words, Dialogue, Word Matching
Science: 13:13 Experiment, Conversation Heart Experiment, "Exploding Heart" Experiment, Every Candy Experiment Known to Man
Art/Craftiness: LOVE hands, Homemade Valentine's for Friends and or for Neighbors
And of course, I’ve pinned about a thousand more Valentine's Day ideas on Pinterest if you want some inspiration to go big! AND if you haven't come up with a win win win Valentine's Day gift for your man {or the entire family}, I highly recommend {aff link} Union28! Yeah know, 'cause my hubs rocks!

I love any excuse to decorate and fuss over loved ones so I too enjoy Valentine’s day. I have decided I am tired of defending that decision to other christians… I have had three such exhausting conversations lately.
Rebecca D recently posted..My Cinderella Story…
Sorry you’ve had to have those conversations. I love a good excuse, just as you, to decorate and love people in creative ways! <3
I think using "secular" or "commercial" holidays is a fantastic way to meet non-believers easily right where they are.