31 Days to Clean Having a Martha House the Mary way
Day 11 - Limitations (Life is Hard)
Mary Challenge: Let grace cover the areas you cannot change. Don’t beat yourself up or think you aren’t doing enough. God knows where you’re at; His grace is sufficient.
LOVED this! I am a "Martha" type personality so I need to hear and meditate on this often!
Martha Challenge: Living Room – Wash your walls and dust the ceilings.
Washing my walls seemed silly. I put it off for several days then finally caved. It took less than 20 min to do this room. Thanks goodness for big windows, french doors, wide doorway, and a fireplace on washing wall day but not on window day, ugg. I have a hard time cleaning things if I can't tell a big difference. vacuuming, organizing, washing off a grubby table, etc I see the need in. I'm sure it's a great idea to wash your walls every so often, just not motivating.
This is a panoramic view of my living room (minus the fireplace wall behind me) taken with my handsome hubby's iPhone. I finally found a benefit for all the silly free apps he has ;o) Sorry the colorings a little weird by the windows because of the sunlight.
hehe and the adorable (almost) 3-year-old blurring through the middle of the room.
*Thanks for letting me play with your phone, hunny!
Mary Challenge: Think about some areas in your life where you have been striving to be perfect (or nearly so). Perhaps you are comparing yourself to another mom, or putting unnecessary burdens on yourself because of what someone has said or written. Take these areas before the throne of grace and ask God to replace any lies you are believing with the truth.
Very similar to several other "Mary" thoughts. I am learing to let go of my ideal day, person, way of doing things and learning to search/listen for God's ideal for my life!
Martha Challenge: Living Room – Clean and organize shelves and electronics. Shine wood furniture.
Again, my amazing hubby helped and (more importantly) approved of me PURGING our electronics and movie collection! We have several "lots" listed on eBay now and more for our yard sale pile. I know Sarah Mae encourages you to just rid your house of these items (ie Take them to the Goodwill) but I am attempting to balance necessary purging with our "Dave'n It" (what we call Dave Ramsay's FPU plan). We will (and have been) trying to sell things at a consignment sale, yard sale, or eBay and then donating what is left over in several different ways, friends in need, pregnancy crisis center, goodwill, salvation army, etc.
Sorry didn't get before pictures of our entertainment center where all of this was stored.

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