31 Days to Clean Having a Martha House the Mary way
Day 7- The Curse (What We're Up Against)
Mary Challenge: Read Romans 8:20-21. What is the hope in the Curse?
My hope is that because I'm a bond-servant of Christ I have been released from my burden to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of being a child of God.
Martha Challenge: Kitchen – clean out and organize your pantry.
Like I've said before: We LOVE hosting all kinds of things in our home! We make up excuses people over. We have been blessed with an amazing accommodating kitchen all necessary and unnecessary items for just such occasions. Our pantry is no exception. We could store food for an army in there! I am kind of what some may call OCD and love keeping things organized so this task wasn't dreaded but it was kind of time-consuming given the size of the God-given pantry. My girls were so excited to "help". They moved items from one shelf to the next so I could wash each shelf and then help group things (great lesson on sorting/matching). Although, I may be creating OCD babies. My (almost) 3-year-old had a hard time when I decided to relocate things from the previous areas she'd become acustom...oops!

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