I don't do solo very well....
Tonight was Maggie's HIPPY Christmas party. I told myself when we started doing this program that one of the reasons we were doing it was for her to have another social outlet. Since we are going to homeschool I feel like I need to make this a priority now.
Matt had an Athletic Banquet tonight. Same time.
Today was terribly rainy, windy, yucky! We'd had our typically terrible Wal-Mart trip, short naps, and attempted to do a little of our HIPPY work while incorporating gift making. Ugg
Needless to say, when it came time to pack the car and head out the door for the party I was less than thrilled about the outing. I hadn't even told Mags about it as to not have to hear questioning from the riddler all day. I so wanted to skip. Sitting there trying to decided if it was 'worth' it I decided not only for my childs social needs but for mine as well, we'd headed out on this evening venture.
When pulling out of the driveway at 4:45 I question my memory..."5 or 5:30?" I pulled in and there on the elementary school sign said 5.
I was gonna go grab a hot chocolate.
We loaded the double stroller with a baby and a toddler, diaper bag, cups, camera, gift for our "HIPPY lady" and in we went. {Praising God the rain storm had stopped}
We were early.
It didn't really start until 5:30. I know, some of you are thinking, "Good for you!" and other know exactly the feeling I'm about to tell all you early birds about, "Crap." When a mom of 3 gets somewhere 30 minutes early with minimal support at a new environment, not toddler/baby friendly, and has to wait...........................................................yeah. Things could melt down fast.
I let Mags play with her sweet friend Natally and her big sis who arrived early as well. But the toddler and baby remained in the stroller as long as possible. I fed Jamin his baby food {slowly}, pulled him out of the carseat and propped him up in the stroller seat to eat some cereal. Delaying the "CUP!!!" and "MORE PeeeeeZ!" feasco I gave Izzie some cereal as well while she gazed at the table of snack-like dinner yummies just a few feet away.
And I'm out.
I'd delayed as long as possible. More kids were showing up so I needed Mags to sit with me at the cafeteria table, Izzie was no longer satisfied with the handful of Cheerios and received her cup, and Jamin needed his bottle {my last trick up my sleeve to keep him content in the stroller}. The time now, you ask? 5:25. Actually, if felt like that but I honestly don't know since I was counting babies over and over again like a loon. Mags used the elementary school potty for the 1st time. Izzie's diaper leaked, I changed her in the hallway, and her poor pants were wet the rest of the night. J made it, content with cereal thus far.
5:40- YES! I got kicked off. We got in line {all 4 of us} to grab some lunch meat, diced cheeses, and olives! Headed back to the table where we'd set up camp. Maggie and Izzie sat by me picking at their dinner and chugging their juice cups and J finally got his bottle, shaking milk all over himself, as usual, when he has about an ounce left. I chatted with a few friends and got to relax watching my girls making the normal meal mess all over the table knowing I didn't have to be the one to clean it up.
6ish we went to find Santa and get our picture taken. Surprisingly everyone was okay with that. I think watching all the other kids crawl up there, playing with their friends while waiting and the candy cane at the end were all pieces to the puzzle that is a calm Santa picture! J went straight to him. Izzie didn't want to sit on his lap {she wanted to feel his costume as if he were a doll} but that was probably better {remember wet pants?}. Since Mags saw Izzie didn't want to sit but she knew we all needed to be in the picture she easily let me put her on his knee. Izzie wouldn't stop checking out his suit long enough to turn around and cheese. Oh well.
After grabbing some crafts to take home and loading all of our belongings we made it back in the van by 7ish. Not to shabby. *side note: SCORE! We didn't ruin anyone's Santa belief even though several parents were talking to their children about Santa bringing them gifts and Mags is usually a walking spoiler alert ;o)
How are you Christmas Parties going? Do you have too many? Not enough? Please Share!!!
To read more Rothacher's Advent Days click--->
Advent {Day 1}: Cookie Swap
Advent {Day 2}: Dizzie Izzie's
Advent {Day 3}: Giving Christmas Away
Advent {Day 4}: Homemade Gifts

This is so funny Julie!!! And so so so true!!!!
That’s comforting to hear from a minister’s wife/mom vet!!!