As parents, we often get annoyed with our children! They disturb our ideals. We teach them the same lessons over and over again. They selfishly expect us to jump to their every beck-n-call. They keep making messes.
How often do you think our children get annoyed with us? We disturb their play for bed time. We try to teach the same lessons with no creativity and expect results. We selfishly expect them to transition smoothly from one activity to another at our beck-n-call or selfishly leave them in their beds fussing rather than moving with love to their beck-n-call. We run around cleaning up messes instead of enjoying the fun of creating them with our children. Annoyed, frustrated, confused with our inconsistency.
How often do you think GOD gets annoyed with us, His children? ...that's right, He's the perfect parent. The perfect example. He is always on His toes with creative nurturing, transitions with ease, jumps at our beck-n-call with joy, and extend grace every moment of our lives.
Be encouraged today. Have some perspective, add some joy to your step, and give a little grace.

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