Advent {Day 6}: The Fridge

I know this is not your typical Advent day but it's something that needs to be done in "a time of expectant waiting" of  and "preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas.

Cleaning out and Organizing your refrigerator in precautionary measure that needs to happen in anticipation of the celebratory gifts that need to be stored and/or it's leftovers. As you are cleaning don't forget to Thanks God for all that He has provided!

If your fridge is a disaster right now that's fine! The majority of homes in America are. Here is how I suggest starting the cleaning process:

  1. Take EVERYTHING out placing then on an empty counter
  2. Organize as you pull things out: meats, veggies, fruits, cheeses, entries, trash/expired, condiments, drinks, etc.
  3. Wipe them all down as you pull them out so they won't have that fridge gunk on the bottom when you go to put them back in your clean fridge

Now that you have a nothing but the sticky piles, puddles and dried on yukies Start with your drawers:

  1. Pull all your drawers out
  2. Wash them inside and out with hot water and multi-purpose cleaner over at your sink 
    {or in a bathtub for less splatter clean up or if you have limited counter space}
  3. Let the drawers air dry on a giant bath towel {or over the edge of you tub} while you work on the shelves, trays, and walls
    {you can always hand dry the rest of the way before re-inserting}

Now that those are drying work on the nasty inside:

  1. grab a bow of HOT water, multi-purpose cleaner, dishcloth/spung, and maybe even an old used toothbrush {for the OCD}
  2. spray everything: each shelf, trays in the door, and wall {extra coat for the piles, puddles, and yukies}
  3. start scrubbing from back to front and from the top down {this will help you end up with one giant pile of ... yeah at the end.
  4. Make sure to rinse your dishcloth or spung often keeping the dishcloth warm/hot so it will steam off that cold blah that been growing for a while

WA-LA! Just like new...well, hopefully ;o)

Now here's the fun part...putting things back in an organized manner. WHY?

  1. To help yourself keep it organized {especially with the rapid amount of things that will be coming in this season}
  2. You, your kids and your spouse will know the general area to find things
  3. You'll know when things need to be thrown out!

Hopefully you've got items sorted and wiped down already, if not, do it now. Now that you think you are about to place everything back in, there's one more thing that needs to become a habit when putting ANYTHING into your fridge:

  1. Have a "Throw It Out" rule about how long things can stay in your fridge {mine is ~1  month depending on the item, and the printed expiration date for those that have it}
  2. Label containers with what it contains and the date it was made/stored on the side of the container {easily visible}
    {I like to keep a roll of masking tape and a fun colored pin in the drawer next to the fridge for colorful, handy labeling}
  3. OR Label using the the "TRASH IT" date--> look at the calendar and label the date it needs to be thrown away
    {we usually eat our's before then}
    {*side note: I like to label veggies on top of their lid so can quickly see them when looking down into the drawer}

After everything is sorted, clean and labeled your going to have to decide where the most convenient place is for your most used items OR the best fit:

  1. Some fridge, like mine, already have labeled drawers: "meat", "fruit/vegetable", and "cheese". Use them for that.
  2. This might not work for everybody because you may have way more cheese and meat than the labeled drawers allow. If that's the case and it bothers you to have the wrong labels...relabel if you want.
    {see how having them labeled lets you quickly see what you have and by putting even the veggies in containers into the drawer, you've saved yourself the shelf space}
  3. Place condiments that fit into the door {tallest to shortest}{side note *I like to keep my stick butter in the door so it's closer to room temp when I decide to back since that's the only thing I use if for}
  4. Store other items in the logical space they will fit in. Most fridges have adjustable shelves and trays so move them around and see what works for you.
  5. Large items like milk, juice, or 2 leader bottles fit the best on the top shelf or bottom door tray for us.
  6. Smaller items like eggs can fit under drawers or on shorter shelves.
  7. Make sure to put milk product IN the fridge on a shelf, not in the door for safer temperatures!

How to get rid of left overs:

  1. Leftover lunches! {we do this most days: makes for fast prep!}
  2. Let you Kids choose their meal {let them be creative by making odd combinations-->rice, hotdog, and yogurt}
  3. Use them to help you decide what's for dinner {add a side or entre is easier than making an entire meal}
  4. Snacks
  5. Host more guests for meal times!

I hope these tricks we try to use help you keep that refrigerator rotating in and out yummy food this season!
Have any suggestions to add? Please share in the comment section!

To read more Rothacher's Advent Days click--->
Advent {Day 1}: Cookie Swap

Advent {Day 2}: Dizzie Izzie's
Advent {Day 3}: Giving Christmas Away
Advent {Day 4}: Homemade Gifts
Advent {Day 5}: HIPPY Christmas Party

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“It’s like a Waggon!”

Today we brought an entirely new level to my 3-year-old helping with major chores.

Before today I never would have considered asking Maggie to carry a laundry basket up our stairs but today...I did. That's right, I ask a short little, 25 lb, almost 3.5-year-old to carry 3 days worth of our entire 5 member family's laundry up the stairs. And she LOVED it!

Here's how we did it:

  • I attached a simple 4ft piece of twine to on handle on our laundry basket
  • I piled the children's laundry on the landing 1/2 way up the stairs
  • Mags then fill the basket up as much as she liked (and was able to heave up the stairs) 
  • After loaded, we strung the twine across the laundry (holding in the items)

  • When it was through the other handle, Maggie then pulled it thus toting the load up the stairs
  • She ran down the hall way pulling the basket behind her yelling, "Mommy! It's like a wagon!"
  • Finally she dumped their clothes (a load at a time) into her bedroom floor where we later sorted and put it away
  • {We continued this same procedure with Matt's and my clothing to our bedroom}


Share with us fun ways you involve your kids in daily chores?

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A Sarah Mae Giveaway!

That's right everybody! I have Sarah Mae's "31 Days to Clean, Having a Martha home the Mary way" e-book to giveaway!

Many of you have heard me going on and on and on about 31 Days to Clean. Many of you may have no idea what I'm talking about. Let me tell you a little bit about the e-book:

“Life-giving is about receiving from God in order to give to others.” Barbara Mouser, Five Aspects of Woman
31 Days to Clean is about loving others well.
It’s about the “why” and the vision and the heart for taking care of our domains (Mary) with some spring cleaning thrown in (Martha).
The heart of our homes is not in the ability to keep it perfect at all costs; the heart of a home is love. We live in a thing, a non-eternal structure that needs to be maintained. The thing is worthless without the life we bring to it and through it. This book is about bringing life to the mundane in order to love well.

-Sarah Mae {click here to learn more about the book, author, see the table of content, and read a sample "day"

Here are the ways you can enter to win this contest:

  • Subscribe to this blog! Click the "sign me up" button to enter your email address over on the side bar. 
  • Tweet about this post! You can use the simple twitter button at the bottom of this post.
  • Follow me on Twitter!!/JulesRothacher or use the button on my side bar.
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  • Create a blog post on your own blog with a link back to this post!
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Don't forget to leave a SEPERATE comment on this post for EACH of the above 'shares'  you did. You may do EVERY type of entry, a few of them, or just one. Each comment is another 'entry' for the contest. The more you share the better chance you have of winning the e-book 31 Days to Clean by Sarah Mae! The winner will need to let me know which version they would prefer: kindle, nook, or pdf file. There will be a random drawing and then I will announce the winner Friday morning! 
ALREADY HAVE THE BOOK? Enter to win for someone else!
This book would make a great Christmas gift and fun challenge for the new year!
-------> Other Post on 31 Days to Clean you may be interested in can be found HERE and HERE! <--------
Thanks for playing and Happy Sharing!!!
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Fighting Inevitable Decay

This, this is the face I picture on the face of my home as I attempt to clean it.
Laughing, taunting, so smug, thrilled in having conquered, conquered me.

That's right. I feel like my house is simply laughing as I scamper about continually picking up. Then, hysteria sets in if and when I decide I'm going to, not just pick up, but actually clean something. It feels like a constant battle. My house has recruited civilians, aka my husband and children, to join forces in my demise. Toys wander from the playroom and scatter like dust across every inch of down stairs. The clean laundry awaits hangers and drawers in baskets on my bedroom floor. My kitchen floor colects...stuff regaurdless of the times I sweep it daily.

Check out the rest of the post over at the homemaker's challenge today!

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30min vs 2+hours

One of the things I hate to do it clean my cleaning supplies or tools!
Why can't I just buy new, clean, pretty, high-tech, non-ghetto ones?

I have found that if I clean them often the they last longer and do their job better...MAN! I know, duh, right?

A little over a year ago we moved into a 2 story house and I bought a cheap vacuum to leave upstairs so I didn't have to hike one up and down. Shortly after I got ride of the 'nicer' bag vacuum and just had the light weight bagless one. I'd been using it for a few months and it clogged. I took that entire joker apart. Every screw that I found or snapped piece I disassembled! Pieces everywhere, screws in a pile, filters piled in the sink; my husband thought I'd lost my mind! After 2 hours of deep cleaning and a day and 1/2 of drying filters all over the kitchen counter my vacuum sucked as if it were brand new! I was so proud of myself. I vacuumed everything, everywhere, every inch of my house!

Then...yep, 3 weeks later it didn't suck anymore, well, at least not like new anymore. Boo!

I don't have 2 hours I can afford to devote to cleaning a cleaning tool every week. Since this craziness I've decided not to expect my vacuum to work as new but I do clean some part of it once a month.

The Supplies Needed:
Wire hanger bend straight
Screwdrivers (type dependant on kind of screws your vacuum has) *not pictured ;o)
Trash Can
Sink, Water, and preferably a kitchen sink sprayer (that is its technical term)
Big strainer or towel to dry pieces in/on
Wet washclothe

The New Routine (monthly):
1.Unscrewed the bottom and the back to expose the bottom hose that goes from floor to detachable hose (that then leads to the holding compartment)
2.Shove the handy-dandy wire hanger through the hose to push out debris and unclog. Use the flashlight to check to ensure you got everything out.
3.Dump holding container (this should be done on an as-needed basis)
4.Dust and/or wipe down vacuum with wet clothe

Additional Routine (every 2-3 months):
1.Shove the handy-dandy wire hanger through the detachable hose to push out debris and unclog. (note: avoid rinsing hose. They take forever to dry given their crinkly make and therefore moister makes the sucked up dirt clump and clog faster- yep...experienced!)
2.Take out the 2 filters (in my case) and rinsed them (using the kitchen sink sprayer pushes gunk out faster) It's amazing how much cleaner they were having only let the dirt build up for 3-4 weeks instead of multiple months.
3.Rinse all plastic pieces as you go (in sink or with washclothe)

Much faster~15min (each)! Pretty sure this will be my quick fix routine from now on!


What cleaning supplies/tools have you found a way to manage? PLEASE SHARE! I need all the help I can get.

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