The other day I brought this walker up from the basement to clean it up for my 10 month old. It was gross. I pulled the fabric seat liner thingy out and threw it in the wash. Then I scrubbed up the entire thing. My almost-2-year-old watched this entire process. She stared at the toy after it was clean. She slowly walked over to it and began playing with the toys on the tray. 22 months old. Not a baby. Not a big girl. I decided to stick her in the seat-less walker and let her "drive" it around the house. Success! She LOVED it!!! I was hoping this would {momentarily} decrease the fights over who will drive (push) the little tikes car and who will ride.
Didn't really work. When my 3.5-year old woke from her nap and discovered the new toy in our house, saw how her sister had learned to crawl into it and how it worked she wanted a turn.
Then, big sis, taught her to climb over and out rather sitting down and crawling under.
Yep, everyone but the 10 month old had their turn while the seat was being washed and dried. That's okay. He had his turn.
In BOTH! ;o)
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[…] creative outlet! My kids are also learning that dress-up doesn’t have to stop. God made us creative and fun so why should there be an age cut off for these kinds of things. I like trying funky […]