This past month I had the weird opportunity to go overnight to stay with my parents and see a friend all by myself. It was super weird and if your a mom you know what I'm talking about. Relaxing, healthy, but...weird!
Anyways. While I was there my mom and I got to fart around a little, run some errands, and check out the new, GIANT Goodwill in my hometown. I found these:
I'm been looking, pricing, and watching for 'preschool' chairs to go with my kids table we got serveral months ago. If you don't know anything about these they normally run anywhere from $15.00 for used and as high as $30.00 brand new. I found these for $20.00 - for the SET OF 4!!! That's $5.00 a chair! They in perfectly usable shape just a little ... loved on. I decided I'd try and paint them. I'd been looking for multiple colors so they would go with our 'theme' in the playroom. The hope of having a couple chairs that were primary colored (blue, yellow, red) and a couple that where secondary colored (orange, green, purple) made the hunt even harder/more expensive.
I found this Krylon paint at Wal-Mart for ~$4.00 each. I only found 2 that were "Fusion for Plastic" so I got those and then thought I'd try the normal stuff since I hadn't found all the colors I wanted in the plastic type. And I already owned the black attachment on top of the orange can. I highly recommend this tool if you plan to do lots of spray painting projects! I helps keep your hands (fingers) clean, keeps an even spray, and your fingers don't hurt afterward from pressing down so hard.
I laid out a very used drop clothe on my driveway while my kiddos played in the yard. I cleaned them all up with multipurpose cleaner, warm wet rag, and a magic eraser (LIFE SAVOR- everyone who has kids should have some- cheap brand works just as good) if necessary.
After srubbing them all down and make sure they were completely dry I fliped them all upside down and spread them out so the different colors wouldn't blow on the chair next them. I started on the bottom so I'd feel free to use the rest of the can on the seat and back parts that would actually show!
I started with the orange and was super disappointed in how it looked...spray painted.
I did as well as I could and then moved onto the green "Fusion for Plastic" to see if it looked any better before I completely gave up. YEP! There's a reason they made special paint for plastic. The green looked GREAT! Only wasted 1/2 can... I took the other non-plastic specific paint back and searched at other Wal-Marts near us for the other colors. I found 5 of the 6 colors I wanted in the 3 different stores. Well worth it and I didn't make extra trips, I only went to ones I was already near for other errands I was running.
SuPeR pumped about my 4 preschool chairs I got for ~$9.00 each!!!
Where is your favorite place to find good deals? Any new fun projects going on in your world?

These turned out super cute! I have been spending a lot of time at Goodwill myself lately looking for the stuff I need for my daughter’s wedding and shower.
Why thank you! I sure do like them.
I also love Goodwill hunting {pun intended} ;o)
You can find so many treasures in there. Fun projects. Just the right ‘piece’ to finish something. Like a wedding!!! Happy hunting!