Advent {Day 13}: A Rock’n Angel Tree Gift

Yep, Pinterest Inspiration once again!

This year one of our Angel Tree children wanted a rocking horse! Not to hard to find, right? We shopped all day, all the while looking at every store for a rocking horse. Did I mention it also needed to be big enough for a 4-year-old who wears size 5T? Yeah...

After shopping, we went to pick up our kids from their Nanna's house and I was explaining to my daughter that the only thing we didn't find was a rocking horse for one of our friends. Nanna just said, "That's okay. We can just ask Jesus to help us find one." That night we prayed for Jesus to simply help us find one so we could bless our friend on Christmas day. We tucked in our babes and decided to search Craig's List! SCORE!!! We found several. So the next day we started with the cheapest priced big wooden horse listed. Yep, SCORE! This is the listing picture:

Solid Wood! Still Available! $15.00!!!

I was so excited my husband was willing to drive ~2 hour round trip to pick up. When he got it home, he painted with some white house paint we had left over. After a second coat the next day we tightened up the screws and I hot glued on a feather bowa I had from a formal in college and Matt painted on her eyes! Walla!!!

Woop Woop! Awesome Christmas gift for $15.00!!!

Have you found any awesome deals this Christmas? Do share!

To read more Rothacher's Advent Days click--->
Advent {Day 1}: Cookie Swap

Advent {Day 2}: Dizzie Izzie's
Advent {Day 3}: Giving Christmas Away
Advent {Day 4}: Homemade Gifts
Advent {Day 5}: HIPPY Christmas Party
Advent {Day 6}: The Fridge 
Advent {Day 7}: Sprinkle Joy @ Home
Advent {Day 8}: UpCycle Gift Wrap
Advent {Day 9}: Sugar Cookies (Gift Ideas Series)
Advent {Day 10}: Snack Mix (Gift Idea Series)
Advent {Day 11}: Relentless Christmas Party
Advent {Day 12}: eBook for ANY Woman! (Gift Idea Series)

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Advent {Day 12}: eBook for ANY Woman

I've been raving about this book called "31 Days to Clean" for months now! Some know what I'm talking about and some are about to!

Let me tell you a little bit about the e-book:

“Life-giving is about receiving from God in order to give to others.” Barbara Mouser, Five Aspects of Woman
31 Days to Clean is about loving others well.
It’s about the “why” and the vision and the heart for taking care of our domains (Mary) with some spring cleaning thrown in (Martha).
The heart of our homes is not in the ability to keep it perfect at all costs; the heart of a home is love. We live in a thing, a non-eternal structure that needs to be maintained. The thing is worthless without the life we bring to it and through it. This book is about bringing life to the mundane in order to love well.

-Sarah Mae {click here to learn more about the book, author, see the table of content, and read a sample “day”

The book walks you through 31 days of encouragement and challenges both for the heart and taskful cleaning. She now has an easier more routine version for helping set a cleaning routine for yourself. This is so practical!

This is an affordable and thoughtful gift idea for almost any women in your life. It  speaks to the heart of the woman! PLUS, did I mention it's only $4.99!!! Perfect!

To see more about how I've done this book, check out "The Ones about Cleaning" on the side bar!

Buy it by clicking on the button on my side bar!!! Let me know what you think of the book!

To read more Rothacher's Advent Days click--->
Advent {Day 1}: Cookie Swap

Advent {Day 2}: Dizzie Izzie's
Advent {Day 3}: Giving Christmas Away
Advent {Day 4}: Homemade Gifts
Advent {Day 5}: HIPPY Christmas Party
Advent {Day 6}: The Fridge 
Advent {Day 7}: Sprinkle Joy @ Home
Advent {Day 8}: UpCycle Gift Wrap
Advent {Day 9}: Sugar Cookies (Gift Ideas Series)
Advent {Day 10}: Snack Mix (Gift Idea Series)
Advent {Day 11}: Relentless Christmas Party

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Advent {Day 11}: Relentless Christmas Party

Did I mention our month of December is PACKED with Parte's!?!?!

Some times it may be overwhelming preparing for each one, remembering what I'm supposed to take, when we're supposed to be, and where it's hosted {1/2 are @ my house...that would be BAD if I forgot}. We are having lots of fun so far though. My kids LOVE going! Izzie wakes up every morning asking to put on her shoes and "ja-ket!" and Mags keeps asking if today is "Jesus' birthday!?" I have to remind her we are still in the fun, preparing part of December in anticipation for His big day!

In anticipation we've baked TONS, made lots of homemade gifts, gone shopping for a needy family, prepared Operation Christmas Child boxes, bought our personal family gifts in their honor, attended a deacon/staff Christmas dinner, shopped for Angel Tree children, and hosted our 1st outrageously fun party!

Just to give you a peek into our party, I'd like to teach you how-to play "Dirty Santa"!


  1. Ask everyone attending your party to bring a generic gift ~$10.00 {if hosting, have a spare just in case someone forgets}
  2. When guest arrive, place all gifts in one place {on a table or under the Christmas tree}
  3. After everyone has arrive, munched on some goodies you are ready to play!
  4. Have everyone sit together in a circle {or simi-circle}
  5. Have numbers {according to the number of gifts/guests} in a hat to draw
  6. Everyone draws a number


  1. Start the game with the person who drew #1, they chose a gift to open
  2. #2 get the choice to steal #1's gift or pick new gift to open
  3. Each person after that can steal a previously opened gift or may open a new gift
  4. If a person's gift is 'stolen' they may not steal directly back but may steal someone elses or chose a new one to open
  5. once a gifts been stolen 3x it's frozen
  6. once all the gifts have been open #1 has the last chance to steal
  8. Let the merriment of stealing begin ;o)

Helpful Suggestions for selecting THE gift that wants to be stolen by all:

  1. Gift Card {Sonic Happy Hour makes $10 go a LONG way!}
  2. Toy
  3. Silly Info-mercial item

What take on "Dirty Santa, Yankee Swap, Chinese Gift Exchange, Thieving Secret Santa, Parcel Pass, Christmas Swamp Thing, or Pollyanna" do you and yours have? PLEASE SHARE!

To read more Rothacher's Advent Days click--->
Advent {Day 1}: Cookie Swap

Advent {Day 2}: Dizzie Izzie's
Advent {Day 3}: Giving Christmas Away
Advent {Day 4}: Homemade Gifts
Advent {Day 5}: HIPPY Christmas Party
Advent {Day 6}: The Fridge 
Advent {Day 7}: Sprinkle Joy @ Home
Advent {Day 8}: UpCycle Gift Wrap
Advent {Day 9}: Sugar Cookies (Gift Ideas Series)
Advent {Day 10}: Snack Mix (Gift Idea Series)

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Advent {Day 10}: Snack Mix (Gift Idea Series)

Today I'd like to focus on waste management employees {I don't know the PC term for trashman...sorry!}.

These people serve me in unimaginable ways! I can't thank them enough for taking care of all the TRASH I don't want to deal with. Really!
A few years ago when I was asking some friends how to make sure they knew I'd left a gift so it didn't accidentally get thrown away they said, "You know our trashmen are prisoners, right?" {NOT all are} and I my reply was, and still is, "YEP! Even more of a reason I want to show them extra love especially around Christ birthday!!!" Let give them something to crunch and munch on while they travel around town.

Wanna know How-To Decorating Cans? Click over HERE for step by step instructions.!

Filling Cans

Snack Mix:

  1. Make snack mix (my favorites are chex mix or muddy buddies) {recipe link(s)}
  2. Place desired colored tissue paper inside
  3. Add snack mix
  4. Place bow on top of the lid or printable tag (click  Girly Lid Tag for free printable)
  5. To be sure they recognize their gift, tie some balloons on the can and place it on top of your trashcan the day of your neighborhood trash pick up. {You don't want it to accidentally get trashed ;o) } ---> not necessarily birthday ones though...

Happy Birthday TrashcanNot too many people remember those who serve them silently { silent as you can be in that noisy truck} so take the time to show your gratitude with a simple gift that will show the love of Christ and make someone feel appreciated.

Do you have any other tints for making sure these early rising, quick workers recognize their gift?

To read more Rothacher's Advent Days click--->
Advent {Day 1}: Cookie Swap

Advent {Day 2}: Dizzie Izzie's
Advent {Day 3}: Giving Christmas Away
Advent {Day 4}: Homemade Gifts
Advent {Day 5}: HIPPY Christmas Party
Advent {Day 6}: The Fridge 
Advent {Day 7}: Sprinkle Joy @ Home
Advent {Day 8}: UpCycle Gift Wrap
Advent {Day 9}: Sugar Cookies (Gift Ideas Series)


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Advent {Day 9}: Sugar Cookies (Gift Ideas Series)

Today I want to focus on Teachers! School teachers, Sunday school teachers, nursery workers, daycare workers, AWANA teachers, dance teachers, coaches, etc.
hands holding apple by sisterlisa, on Pix-O-Sphere

SPOILER ALERT! Teacher's every where are just as ready as your children, if not more so, for Christmas break! Yep. It's true. They have worked so hard teaching out little ones and they are looking forward to a tiny break. I appreciate all that they do every week. They are reliable. And they aiding me by assisting in my education of my child. A great way to thank them for all their hard work is with a meaningful gift!

Wanna know How-To Decorating Cans? Click over HERE for step by step instructions.

Filling Cans

Shaped Cookies:

  1. Make any shape cookies you enjoy (smaller than 3" around)
  2. Place desired tissue paper inside
  3. Add cookies
  4. Place bow on top of the lid or printable tag (click lid tag STAR for free printable

These people in our lives love getting gifts {as simple as they may be} just to feel appreciated. Wouldn't you? Homemade adds that special touch as well.

Who make your life  easier by serving you? How are you going to show you're thankful for them this season?

To read more Rothacher's Advent Days click--->
Advent {Day 1}: Cookie Swap

Advent {Day 2}: Dizzie Izzie's
Advent {Day 3}: Giving Christmas Away
Advent {Day 4}: Homemade Gifts
Advent {Day 5}: HIPPY Christmas Party
Advent {Day 6}: The Fridge 
Advent {Day 7}: Sprinkle Joy @ Home
Advent {Day 8}: UpCycle Gift Wrap

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