The other day I heard a DJ on a well know Christian radio station talking about his service at a restaurant. He explained that the server was flustered and ill-attentive to his family. When he left he was "honest" with the manager about his experience. One caller chose not to defend this DJ in his lack to show love the waitress but to say that he may have possibly missed an opportunity to share Jesus. The DJ quickly defended himself saying he didn't feel guilty about it nor did he feel God calling him to "do it" in the "moment".
What kind of preview are you giving people about a relationship with Christ? Don't be Scary Mary in your "evangelism" tactics. Share the real Jesus. The entire Jesus. The everyday Jesus in your life. "Witnessing" to your friends, family, and neighbors should not be a scary thing. I do not believe the statement, "Preach the gospel always, If necessary use words." {St Francis of Assisi} is biblical but Showing and Sharing the love of Jesus definitely is.
By the way: you never have to question if God is Calling you to share Jesus with or to be a servant to someone. You're 'on call' 24-7.

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