As many of you know, we are moving and having to sell our beautiful home...okay, no more talking about that {tear}. Today I wanna share how I am staging my home to sell it! According to all my reasearch this should get it off the market FAST! Join me over at The Homemaker's Challenge where I'm sharing with all our friends simple staging steps for both the inside and outside of you home!
What was your favorite tip for staging?
I started keeping these glad smell-goods filled when I started "showing" my home. Just say'n 😉
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Why is it that living on faith and allowing the Lord to direct all your paths seems to result in so much moving?? Just wondering…
I don’t know! That’s a good question. I think we all like securty, stability, and same-ness. I know for children physical space is very comforting. As adult, I don’t think much changes. God wants us to trust Him with everything. He want to be our security. I think often times we assume this is a natural thing for minister. Something they should expect. I think it’s something all believers should expect. I know very few people {who aren’t ministers and even some of them} who are willing to move. Fear of the unknown.
Fear of the unknown is far out weighed by the blessings of living the Lord’s plan for your life. Don’t get me wrong, I think he can use all of us, and we all have a purpose… Some to stay and serve, and some to go and serve… Paul and I just seem to be the latter… Remember your stability comes from the Lord and your children’s comes from you… Our girls have made several big moves with us and they are not only more well rounded, but have life experience in the joy of taking a big leap of faith and being caught by the arms of the Lord!