Today we brought an entirely new level to my 3-year-old helping with major chores.
Before today I never would have considered asking Maggie to carry a laundry basket up our stairs but today...I did. That's right, I ask a short little, 25 lb, almost 3.5-year-old to carry 3 days worth of our entire 5 member family's laundry up the stairs. And she LOVED it!
Here's how we did it:
- I attached a simple 4ft piece of twine to on handle on our laundry basket
- I piled the children's laundry on the landing 1/2 way up the stairs
- Mags then fill the basket up as much as she liked (and was able to heave up the stairs)
- After loaded, we strung the twine across the laundry (holding in the items)
- When it was through the other handle, Maggie then pulled it thus toting the load up the stairs
- She ran down the hall way pulling the basket behind her yelling, "Mommy! It's like a wagon!"
- Finally she dumped their clothes (a load at a time) into her bedroom floor where we later sorted and put it away
- {We continued this same procedure with Matt's and my clothing to our bedroom}
Share with us fun ways you involve your kids in daily chores?