I just recently learned about 2 fun new sites!The Crafting Chicks
I 1st came across them when doing my Feb post,"Ghetto Frames: DIY Organic Bloom Frames" for Homemaker's Challenge. When I came across these lovely ladies and their enticing craftiness I was Not only was I envious of their ability to make adorable crafts but also products they worked with. They recently has a giveaway for a Poppy Seed Project product that had me flipping my lid. Just the pictures of the products they offered had me in disbelief. I didn't know anyone sold Exactly what I'd always been shopping at the Goodwills and yard sales for. I had to contact them.
I'm honored today to be offering a $25.oo gift card to the Poppy Seed Project!
MY Poppy Seed Project!
This will give you just a glimpse into one of the options you can use your gift card for ;o) It is a stacked frame using 2 different sized square bracketed frames. I show you the process and final product!!!!
It looks similar to this Poppy Seed Projects example:
Enter DAILY for more chances to win:
Note to all the wonderful ladies I've been working with:
It's been a pleasure working with all these ladies! Thanks for giving me the chance to share this cuteness with my readers!