31 Days to Clean Having a Martha House the Mary way
Day 17 – Your Cleaning Style
Mary Challenge: Take the D.I.S.C personality test (http://www.quibblo.com/quiz/aw8npyx/DISC-Personality-Style) and allow yourself to get to know you better. Descriptions of the different D.I.S.C types: http://www.discinsights.com/cyber/scripts/disc.asp
I'm not so sure this test tagged me correctly overall or just the kind of mood I was in while taking it. hehe Either way, the descriptions were helpful so I can work on my cleaning style depending on what I'm struggling with at the time.
Martha Challenge: Bedrooms - Clean and organize shelves. Shine wood furniture.
We don't have much furniture in our room so this was quick! (Pictures of our rooms were posted in another cleaning day)
Day 18 – Making Your Personality Work for You
Mary Challenge: Try one of the ideas listed with your personality type.
There were several different areas in all the different "personalities"...humm, does this mean I have multiple personalities???
Martha Challenge: Bedrooms – Clean out and organize closets. Purge baby, purge! (And give to Goodwill)
Master Closet
This still isn't as organized as I'd like it but I wish I had before pics to show the PURGE! It was Packed with nonsense.
We could still use a little more purging before our yard sale but we've got a while.
The far right side is now empty except for hangers that used to have shirts on them. The back rod is mine, and the far right is Matt's. The bin under my side are maternity clothes and sentimental shirts I've yet to let go of even though I will never fit in them again. Oh, and the crazy pillow is my amazing J-shaped pillow my hubs got me for pregnancy. WONDERFUL!
Girl's Closet
This is just sorted by size (24 months-4T, right to left) because they share a lot of clothes. The clothes in the bins on the shelf are hand-me-downs or sale items we found for the next season or size. The clothes on the far left bar of the closet are long sleeve items or jackets for next season. The shoes on the self below are shoes they aren't wearing yet. The couple of pairs they wear stay downstairs in a basket in the entry way. Oh, why do I always have some randomness I feel the need to explain...the fan is waiting to be installed in the girl's room. This house had NO lights in the ceilings...Wierd!
Nursery Closet
Jamin's clothes are sorted by size (current and next size so we transition easier) as well as dressy or casual, long or short sleeve. We store everyone's diapers in here, the humidifier, and the clothes on the shelf are the hand-me-down items or sale items we bought of the next size/season (crazy, I know).
Guest Room Closet
I don't really want to confess this but here it is...
WARNING: This is not a before picture
scary stuff, right!?!
Excuse: this is my hold area for my consigning, yard selling, ebaying stuff, then donating. I hope to soon post pictures of this neatly organized closet with all items hung on hangers to consign at the Duck Duck Goose Sale, sorted for my yard sale during the White Hall Trade Days, and my huge donation pile. Ebay stuff is in the Wally World bags, have already been posted and sold!
More confessions...this isn't all of it...there is another HUGE pile in my basement and another in my garage of house hold items we purged. Although I am a huge fan of donating we also feel we were given this stuff to steward to the best of our ability. At this time, we feel like we can sell some of this stuff, rather than just donate everything, and the cash can be significantly multiplied to use to further the gospel overseas.
Ooops, sorry. That needs to be another post. When you're passionate about something, it tends to eek out in every avenue. Let me know if you're interested in and would like to hear more about that adventure God has been and is continuing in our family's life!
Have any passions you need permission to let eek out? Share it here!!! I wanna hear!