Last year we began one of my favorite family traditions thus far! We went with another couple from church to the local pumpkin patch (~45min away). We had so much fun! The weather was just right. We watched pig races, crawled through hay tunnels, let the kids pet all kinds of farm animals, picked out pumpkins to take home, and ate at a nearby restaurant.
I love having annual thing our children can look forward to every year! Just like in any other tradition, there needs to be a little wiggle room. Ya know, adjustments for a different season {children's ages, interests, abilities, learning capacity, etc}. With Maggie being our oldest (3) this trip is still mainly focused around tangible learning, experiences, and making memories for our kiddos! As my children get older, this tradition can grow with us. We will be able to stay for a longer outing, with that, adding even more teachable moments. Moving from simple "stay near mommy and daddy" obedience to more detailed instructional obedience on where they may go, how they may do it, and for how long; from "can you say pig, goat, pumpkin, watermelon, hay, tractor..." to learning more detailed learning about animals, fruit and vegetables, and farm stuff in general; from "here's the lunch mommy packed for you" to "______, can you make the sandwiches, and serve _______", etc. Making memories is always our main goal! I think we've accomplished that both years.
This year we were ecstatic to return for more adventures with two different couples from church and their children plus my father-in-love. The pumpkin patch was even better than the year before. I wouldn't have guessed it could get better.
Again, the weather was just right! We made our way through a child-sized hay maze.
Watched hilarious pig races. Crawled through an even longer hay tunnel.
{We had the privilege of sharing the day with my Father-in-Love as well. Mom was on a women's retreat.}
Did lots of swinging on tire swings. Let the kids pet a bigger variety of animals.
{Possibly my FAV pic of the day}
Went on the hay ride.
Ate our picnic lunches.
{3 generations of Rothacher Men}
Played in a big corn box (similar to the sand box but for younger children).
{Yep, this one carried 1/2 the corn home with her in her diaper}
Looked at piles of pumpkins before heading home for naps.
We took ~360 pictures of all the fun! Thanks for taking the time to view just some of our memories!
Friend me on Facebook to see more of this adventure and many other.
Tonight we are planning to work on our family costume for a costume party, carve and paint pumkins, and finalize decorations for our van to participate in Trunk or Treat at our church{Post(s) to come}.
What kind of FALL traditions do you have with your family?