My sweet Maggie has been asking to go to the Zoo for almost a year now. We read tons of books about animals and the Zoo. More recently she has watched "Little Bill" who gets to go to the Zoo as well as get a pet {Which she has already quoted from as well, "Mom...can I have a Pet?!?} We have been looking for a time to take our entire family and trying to decide which Zoo to go to. Matt and I met at the Memphis TN Zoo and then later got engaged there so that would have been cool to take our kids there...well, some day. The final kicker was when my friend let me know about the "$1.oo day" at the Little Rock AR Zoo! That is only ~45 minutes aways rather than hours AND I'd never checked into how much it cost for normal admission. $10.oo for adults and $8.00 for kids over a year. CRAZY! After going through Dave Ramsay's Financial Peace University we are even more aware of how big a budget item that is, especially with 4 we would have to pay for. Needless to say, the Rothacher clan will be heading to dollar day with the thousands of other families every time they have it!
Bonus: grandparents and cousins were already headed down to see us for Maggie's belated 3rd birthday party are were able to meet us there for this cool adventure!
Here are a few (hehehe) highlight pics:
The Line...yep, this is part of the wait. It went fast though. Just enough time to put on sunscreen, shades and make some new friends
This one reminds me of when I was a kid and my mom would dress me and my brother's in the same color
so if we got lost/separated she could find up easier. (note: this was not planned ;o)
My dad pushed the double stroller the entire day. THANKS!
LOVE stroll'n with my big girl!
Lil Pinguins...they should've had a monkey one for our clan
How cute! Dad showing Jamin the moneys.
Alligators- my FL hubby was surprised to read the sign saying we have some in AR
Penguins- smart lil guys- in the water the entire time, where we should have been
Anna got them to follow her finger in circles
Daddy and his Princess Magdalene. So sweet!
One of my FAVS!!!!Iz, rid'n daddy
Elephants...way back in there
Closer to the Elephants
Giraphas...hiding inside (animals are Smart!)
J did sooo good in the heat the entire day!
(sorry, can't see it but they were too cute)Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?
Sweaty, snuggly Izzie...and mamma
Man, it was HOT!
"If doesn't have a tail it's not a monkey, even if it has a monkey kinda shape"Favorite Exhibit! We were allowed to go IN with the birds!
Anna was teaching Mags how to hold out your finger to get the birds to land on them, hehe
You were allowed to feed them nectar out of tiny cup
Shortly after this the bird snatched the entire cup out of her hand :O)
I felt like a monkey in a cage, this was my parents with Iz outside the cage
We had a BLAST! All this kids did fabulous during the couple hour heat tour of amazing animal goodness!
Thank you for taking our tour of the Little Rock Zoo with us!
The Rothacher's will DEfinately be back for next year's Dollar Day (there will be one right!?!)!!!
Thanks to Leann Gabriel for letting me know about Dollar Day!!!
Have any deal days to share or links to your blog about family adventures?

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