Yesterday I talked about the importance of walking it off or getting some fresh air when you and yours are stressed. Today I wanna share a 2 big tips I've discovered to ease this option for sanity as well as keep everyone safe:
- Prep ahead & keep necessities easily accessible
- shoes, socks, & set of clothing for each child {blush from the mom of the PJ-wearing kids here}
- outside-specific toys in a place kept outside that easy for kids to retrieve as well as clean up themselves
- stroller ready for ride
- bug spray & sun screen ready depending on the season
- sunglasses & hats
- Set boundaries
- "don't go past the tree" or "stay on the driveway"
- teach children to walk on the right side of the road
- hook a rope to a stroller to train walkers near you on a walk
- place something in the way as a giant physical reminder of boundary as well as to keep other drivers a good distance from your little blessings
What fun tips do you have for gaining everyone's sanity once again or for outside play?
linked to Housewife How-Tos

These are great tips, Jules! Fresh air is so wonderful for all of us.
Thanks for participating in the Tuesday Baby Link Up.
Some good points here, Jules. Some of my family members do the same with their kids, too. (Boundaries, etc.)
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