Have you ever tried Graduates' yogurt melts? Well, I haven't. But my kids have ;o)
I like that these are a healthy snack they can feed themselves as soon as they start eating finger foods. I also like that they're not really messy!
A little while back I saw the next picture on Pinterest {imagine that} as well as it's recipe for making yogurt dipped blueberries that you freeze. Cool! I don't like blueberries or yogurt. But my kids do! Jamin is still working on teeth so I'm not confident in giving him the blueberries so I decided to make my own, homemade, yogurt melts!
I took my handheld blender and blended up the strawberry yogurt so it would be completely smooth with no big chunks.
Then I simply dripped little dots {some not so little} onto wax/parchment paper on a cookie sheet and put it into the deep freeze for a few hours.
Score! He LOVES them! So do my older girls. They are definitely messier than the Graduates version but cheaper.
~~~~ Just found this blog on Pinterest: Love the medicine dropper tool to get more accurate drops! ~~~~~
What kind of homemade tricks to you have up your sleeves?
Will you be thoughtful and share the link in the comments below? Thanks!!!

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