5 minutes to write about the grit in my life. What a relief to not me allowed to edit, over-think, etc.
My brain is full of grit. These past ~6 months feel like they've been non-stop. My heart aches with stress just attempting to think back over them.
- Parties
- Deaths
- Holidays
- More parties
- Planning
- Patients in not being allowed to plan yet
- Decision
- Laughter
- Joy
- Worry
- Research
- Decorating
- Redecoration
- Launching
- Mothering
- Sickness
- New routines
- Transition
- Meal planing
- Cleaning...lack of cleaning
- Laundry piled high- upwards of 6 loads at a time in the floor- sorting
- New teeth
- Odd weather
- Park dates
- Dinner guest
- Anticipation of our Newest Adventure on the horizon
Grit my teeth and push through.

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