A Mom Who Is Not a “Baby Person”

Infants: tiny, new, warm, snugly,
easily molded into fun positions for fun pictures.

Not a baby person

I am completely honest with friends about not being a "baby person". Don't get me wrong. I love my babies, their short time of infancy, and would never wish it away but  I much more enjoy when they start interacting even in the smallest ways.

If your like me, this emotional time right after having a baby can be tough. Wither it's labeled or not, every women goes through some sort of hormonal abnormalities during pregnancy and when our bodies try to go back to 'normal' when baby gets here, it can be hard to sort through the wide variety of emotions.

For me, having our fourth child means we are "done Having" babies. With this being our fourth c-section and several other factors, this has been the basic plan for as long as I can remember. BUT with that comes the very real realization that these are all your "last firsts". Anywhere from your last black-poopy diaper change to last limp naps on your lap to last first holidays. There have been many times these things come to mind and all I can do is fight back tears. It's not that I'm not okay with these being the lasts it's just weird realizing it.

I've found some things that help during the investment time while you wait on the big pay-off:

Hold them. Smell them. Bath them. Carry them. I know it may sounds silly but try and enjoy all the little things that will pass too quickly. Having a hard no-smile day? Give your baby a sweet little bath, glob them up with that typical baby-smell lotion, and snuggle them in sweet jammies while you inhale the aroma that will soon be replaced by sweaty-kid accompanied by "no I don't wanna take a bath" or "Oops, I didn't mean to cover the entire bathroom in bubbles".

I'm not sure how much crazy or "awe" is in this but all I can think of is the passage that offhandedly mentions that "Marry treasured all these thing in her heart" {Luke 2:19}. I am terrified I won't "treasure" all these things. My heart aches when I think of forgetting any of these sweet moments with my littles. {hence the abnormal amount of pictures- images jog my memory}

How about you? Are you a baby-person? Do you worry about not "treasuring all these things"?

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