SWEET!!! asJulesisgoing has been Nominated by Jen from Extra Ordinary for a Liebster Award!
{not to be mistaken with Leapster products (aff link)}
I know what you're thinking. "Duh. Of course." Just Kidding! "What the smack is that?!?" really just came across your mind.
What is the Liebster {LEEB-ster} award, you ask? The Liebster award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers {shhh, don't tell}. The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome.
Rules for receiving this award:1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.2. Then answer the questions the tagger sent for them, plus create 11 questions for the people they’ve tagged to answer.3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.4. Notify the people you have tagged.5. No tag backs.
I think we need a button for this award... Googled it! Thank you Secrets of a Wannabe Charlotte!
This is so fun! It's kinda like that Flip Flop Chain letter from a few years back. Anybody? Yeah know...THIS. Pretty cool, huuh?!? Anyways, I am stocked to be selected for this Fun Award! Here goes:
11 things about me...
- I'm already dead so don't mess with me. I got nothing to loose ;o) Galatians 2:20
- I was born {middle child- woop!}, raised, educated, higher educated, married, impregnated (x3), moved several times, and ministering all while in the little state of Arkansas. {I'm sure that will bring about all kinds of "barefoot" type questions}
- My husband did all his growing up in Titusville Florida. What What?! Yep, sucker! Snatched him up while I attending Williams Baptist and he was the Youth minister in the itsy bitsy town of Walnut Ridge.
- We have 3 children {all via stank'n C-section}: Magdalene (4), Isabella (2.5), and Benjamin (1.5) whom you'll rarely hear referred to by those names.
- We still want more ;o) Yes ma'am! We would love to have at least 1 more and hopefully adopt a couple.
- I surrendered to foreign missions 10 years ago and have only been over seas once in my life {twice if you count Mexico} but am serving overseas through several ministries and am committed to encouraging others to leave their comfort zones to serve overseas as well as taking any chance I get to serve those who do not live where knowledge of Christ is so abundant He's taken for granted.
- I have a bachelors degree in Psychology and I gained that degree all the while knowing I only planned to use it for ministry and raising my children.
- I love people! I love having people in my home! I love party'n! I can make up an excuse to have a themed party out of anything! Just test me!
- I enjoy crafting! {ie: scrapbooking {baha-used to}, baking, decorating, making randomness with my kids}
- I LOVE Dr Pepper!!!
- I LOVE pictures. Taking them. Framing them. Sharing them. Like you couldn't tell.
To learn more about me, read my Jules Who page or just stick around!
Here are Jen's questions for me:
- In a sentence or two, what is the message you have to share with the world? Jesus LOVES us so He has given us a road map {the Bible} to explore this adventure called life and it's not a list of do's and don'ts that is a pass or fail test for getting into heaven but a way to show you, you'll never ace it...that's why Jesus took your place.
- What is your most recent favorite book? Stank...not much of a reader. That's why I dot into this read and write blogs thing. Short, sweat, to the point. I'd have to say Pursuit to Proverbs 31 or one of the books my hubs is reading {see his side bar} ;o) It's kinda like I read it. He shares so much and we sit and chat about its content all the time.
- Describe the most perfect moment you can remember. Hearing my husband try and express the change God was doing in his heart before we embarked on church planting. All my past "mountain top" experiences where there: finding Christ for the 1st time, learning about the idea of purity God has for my life, surrendering to foreign missions, meeting my husband, having each of my children {learning of them in my tummy even more so}.
- What was the last thing you pinned on Pinterest? Wow, had to go look...now I'm back from the black hole I love that is Pinterest! I think is was "I always see sheets that I wish were curtains because they're cheaper! Hot glue ribbon tabs to turn a bed sheet into a no-sew curtain."
- What's your favorite season? I used to think Spring was my fav because I love the freedom to roll the car window down and mess up your hair. And all thing bright and cheery of course. But, as I've gotten older, I find myself longing for FALL. My hubs loves Fall. Maybe it has something to do with that whole, 2 shall become 1 thing...I donno. Fall to me is the smell of school supplies {Sharpened Pencils- Mmm}, long sleeve t-shirt, laying to hide my growing pump from drinking too much, football games, snuggling, hot chocolate, crisp walks around the neighborhood that we are currently anticipating. Okay. I'm back. See, I want fall Right Now!
- Tell a brief funny story from junior high. Briefly...I'll try. the funniest one that always comes to mind is Cheer Tryouts. Emily Hudson, You out there? We bonded over this story. 7th grade ends and everyone has no completed their round of the "basics" right. Now, you are to find "your thing". All good little Jr Highers are supposed to want to be a cute cheer leader and naturally all my friends were trying out. Why shouldn't I? The week of prep goes by. The night of Try Outs are here. We are all uniformly in our solid white Ts and cotton shorts. 1st up- the Cheer.
I run out yelling "Oooo" {cardnal sin} with spirit fingers flaling. I catch myself and begin shouting htings I was supposed to, "Go Woodland! Beat Ramay!" except those there supposed to be reverse... Snap! Okay, regaining myself I try, "Go Big Blue! Beat those Indians!" CRAP! NO!!! We are the Red Indians. THEY are the BLUE Cowboys. This continued. I'm sure the judges thought I was making a mockery of this long sought after tradiion of leading cheers. I Was Not! I just sucked. Needless to say, I found my thing was choir. Show chior to be exact. Apparently memorizing a dance, With music, And singing I could do. Just not running sideways, yelling correct names, colors, and mascots while waving my arms. #FAIL - What is your biggest dream? It may sound cheesy but this has long been the cry of my heart:
"Oh God let us be
a generation that seeks
that seeks Your face, Oh God of Jacob" -old school Chris Tomlin "Give Us Clean Hands" - Favorite flower? GERBERA DAISEY- duh. Bright, big, loud, not as common as a Rose but still readily available.
- What is your greatest fear? I will Jack up my kids spiritual growth with my lack thereof.
{Whoa, that just flowed out. Good to know, ehh.} - Top 3 favorite blogs to read? We are THAT Family {aspiration as a Christ-follower & Wife}, Allume {blogger}, and Play at Home Mom {mom}.
- Are you an early bird or a night owl? Used to be an early bird but now I'm definitely a night owl. Hard to jump out of bed with so much on the to-do list yet easy to stay up late when your responsibilities are sleeping.
Here are the questions I've come up with for them to answer:
1. What's the theme song of your life {make up one if there's not one already in existence}?
2. What is your most recent project you've completed?
3. Describe a time you laughed until your tummy hurt.
4. What was the last thing you re-tweeted?
5. What's your favorite TV show or Movie?
6. Tell a brief story of your ultimate fail.
7. Who is your biggest fan?
8. What do you want to accomplish {blog-wise}?
9. Where did you grow up and where do you want to live?
10. Top 3 favorite blogs to read?
11. Cold or Hot Caffeine drinker {or neither}?
My nominations for the Liebster Award:
{SOOoooooo hard to narrow this down. There are so many women/blogs I am finding and Loving. Kinds fudged the "requirements" listed}
Ladies, know you are loved! God is using your blog in big ways and has even bigger plans for you in the future! Keep going. Be encouraged. In blogging and all other godly aspirations!

I’m honored!
Thank you, Julie!
Laurie, you are soooo welcome! You are one of the hardest workers I know!!!