Choosing to Let Go & Fall

A friend once, in the middle of a conversation told me she felt like she was loosing her grip. She felt as though she couldn't hold on much longer and she was gonna lose control.

Choosing to Let Go & FALL

Now, in this particular conversation, she that leadership should be picking up the slack she felt she was holding alone. But a profound fear came to the surface that most of us deal with at some time: the thought that a single person's grip was significant enough to determine the outcome of something.

She needed control. She feared what it would look like to lose grip and fall. She didn't feel falling was an option.

I'm here to say, some times, choosing to let go and fall is the Only option. The best option. And really, not an option at all.

You Can't Do It. You can't hold your world together. You weren't made to hold your world together. You were made as a tool. One of many tools to be used for the glory of God. You weren't made to hold anything together but to be a simple part of a bigger plan.

Choosing to let go is a brave chose. It's not giving up. It's not quitting. It's not a cop-out. Choosing to let go is choosing to FALL. If you choose to let go, do you know where you're falling? It should be the wisest decision you could ever make; if you trust what you're falling into.

If your trust is in the saving power of Christ then you are falling straight into his arms. He is faithful and just to catch you. I'm not saying you won't hit a few things on the way down depending on the path you chose but each of those bumps and bruises you endure will all be used because you chose to fall out of faith that Christ will catch you. He will be glorified in the fall.

Do you need to Let Go today?

Giving Christ your hopes of an ideal life is trusting His character. Trusting that He will catch you and then guide in the BEST life possible even if it doesn't look like the "American Dream".

When trying to have radical trust in God, better understanding of God's character, what God wants, and the meaning of life are necessary. Those three things will help us live somewhere between sitting on our butts waiting for God to "take care of" everything in our lives and thinking we must "help ourselves for God to help us".
Where are you falling if you "lose grip" or CHOOSE to fall today?
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Why does God want us to be like "little children"?

Why does God want us to be like little children

When my littles were infants, it was almost fun to try and learn them. Which cry meant what. Learning their cues before the crying began. Learning their routine. Learning likes and dislikes. I was their mamma. It was up to me to learn them so I could best take care of them.

On days that were frustrating and I wasn't on my toes, the incessant crying just made me with they could talk. Wish they could tell me what they needed or wanted. Then they started talking.

I ooded and awed over their silly noises and failed attempts at big words. It was adorable and they began learning words that would help them better communicate to me what they needed. Then the questions started.

You know...the ones that don't really {seemingly} matter. "Why?" about everything! Questioning any sort of authority I had going. Making me question every decision I made. "Why do I need to wear clothes? Why am I asking you not to jump off tables? Why? Why? WHY?" Some times its good to set back and ask yourself why; to make sure there's actually purpose in the norm. Double check you've not just fallen into a tradition of doing things without having a reason. Being about to communicate these things in a way a child can understand it makes you have to really know WHY you're doing what you're doing.

I was unsure I wanted my kids talking any more. I didn't like the feeling of insecurity and my brain was so tired of analyzing every move I made. Then came the harder questions. "Why did Mr Incredible lie to his wife about having a job?" "Where is ____ mommy & daddy?" "Why don't we sacrifice goats anymore?" "If _____ is a bad chose then why does _____ do it?"

In my mind, I'm going, "WHY does God want us to be like children?" Lets be honest, they're annoying some times. Constantly questioning those smarter than them. Never trusting a simple command.  Always wanting to "learn for themselves". God must be so annoyed by us.

Then I remember, God is the perfect father. Forming my view of God based on my failed parenting is way off kilter. He wants to begin our relationship the same as every family does, infancy. He knows us inside and out better than anyone because He made us. Its almost like He enjoys watching US learn ourselves. God wants us to be able to humble ourselves as little children.

The other cool thing about God is that although He wants to begin our relationship in infancy, He doesn't desire us to stay there.

God is not intimidated by our questioning of his authority. He doesn't shy away from the tough questions. He knows everything and the perfect way of explaining things, if we'll listen.

God is ready to parent us through the awkward elementary ages up into strong willed teenagers, forming us to be more and more like Him. He's not a creepy parent who is attempting to create a "mini me" to secure dreams they missed. God is perfect and what parent wouldn't shoot for perfect in their child's life?

We see maturity begin to form in our children when the tough questions come. They're secured us as an authority of sorts in their life. They trust we have answers, even if they're delayed or imperfect. The questioning changes from a snarky "Why?" into a genuine "I really wanna know why you believe this is the best chose for my life so that I may too understand and live in that."

Maturity. That's what God wants. He doesn't want someone who views themselves as mature and therefore needing no guidance and wisdom. God wants us to be needy to begin with. He wants us to lean on Him. God wants us to ask Why. He wants to be the compass of your life, not our "mature knowledge" we think we have of Him.

Doing life together is the best way to train up our children. Talking at them is not how its supposed to work. God knows this and that's exactly how He created it to work. He knows if we are "doing life" with HIM then we won't just know what the text book says; we will See how He works, lives, moves, behaves, and all that comes with that. Growing up with God as our Father will lead to deeper maturity. Not that we will ever stand on our own but that we will know Him so well, that some days, we won't have to ask Why? We will know and we can walk in His ways confidently knowing His will and His pure heart behind why.

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Learning Joy {in Ministry}

Tonight, I sat in my living room full of people
and I...enjoyed them.


I love my valley group

Today I'm talking about learning to find JOY in ministry. Don't be shocked. Yes, some times we "pastor's wives" find that a bit difficult. Read the rest of the post HERE on A Common Bond:


A Common Bond is a place for minister's wives to gather, encourage, and If you are a minister's wife, please feel free to email, FB, comments, or get a hold of me some how. I'd love to hear from you. I would love to encourage or be encouraged by you. You're Not Alone. 😉
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The Mommy Battle

This morning I read an article entitled,
|“You’re a stay-at-home mom? What do you DO all day?”

The Mom Battle Who Are We Really FightingBeing a stay-at-home-mom and having heard this question, in many different forms, I was intrigued and clicked over quickly to see what this women had to say. I was shocked to find out it was a dude. This was a dad defending his wife in her choice to stay home. WOW!

After reading it, agreeing with several powerful quotes, and wanting to encourage my other SAHM friends, I shared the link on my personal Facebook page. After hearing my husbands response to the post and what stuck out to him as well as reading some of the negative feedback in his comment section of that post, I became very aware of the other side of the coin. The work-outside-the-home-mom's whom I am also friends with and respect just as much as the SAHMs were mortally offended and degraded by this man and his blunt statements.

I wanted to write this in response to how I may have made those women feel. Confession: I'm an idiot.

We are not fighting one another. We are spiritual beings, in a spiritual world, fighting unseen spiritual battles. We are not fighting one another. The only ones loosing in this battle are our children.

I think I was comforted by the fact that there are other moms {and apparently dads} who see value in what I've chosen to do with my life. I think everyone would be encouraged by being given value. Reading the post from that point of view, I easily skimmed over the parts that could be taken as a slam on those who have not chosen the at-home route.

It is childish to make yourself feel better by belittling someone else.

In some ways, I think that is how this post could be read as a non-SAHM. I have worked outside the home and do "work" other than my home & children while at home but I still don't completely understand because I've never been there.

I think there are rights and wrongs in this world. There has to be. I serve a God who is an absolute therefore there are absolutes. I think the biggest absolute to live by is: Its Not About You. We were not created because God was lonely & needed us. We were not created because God was bored. We were not created because God loves us. We were created to glorify His name. So, in all that you do, Glorify God's name. Staying at home? Glorify Him in how you do it. Working outside the home? Glorify Him in how you do it. Doing a little bit of both? Glorify Him in how you do it.

My favorite quote from the post that I believe is true for both sides of this battle Satan has pitted in our generations is

we’ve idolized “being busy,” and confused it with being “important.”

I have heard this sentiment from all my friends. Its like the old one-upper SNL skit where we are always {nearly embarrassing ourselves} trying to make sure the other person believes we are equals, knows we work hard, and basically that they values us. God hasn't called us to be busy. Breath. Let it be okay to be...not busy. All of us!

Stay-at-home-moms, its okay to admit you have "down time". Some days, you can't make it to story-time, that play-date, or the late night birthday part. Its okay. Some days need to be PJ, no shower, entirely too many movie days. Its okay.

Work-outside-the-home-moms, its okay to admit you have "down time". Some days you can't run your kids to that soccer practice, you don't want to make dinner, or do the laundry. That's okay. Some days you need to play a game of solitaire on your computer at work, take an extra long lunch break, or put your kids to bed early because your wooped. Its okay.

We do not earn our value from how little time we have, how many Pinterest projects we complete, how young our children know their ABCs, what kind of car we're driving, the fashion statement our children are making, the vacation we've saved for, the manors our kids have, or anything else this world can measure.

Don't find your worth based on how little [time] you have. The only way we are given worth it through the payment Jesus made for us. He has paid for us and that's the only thing that gives us value and right standing before a Holy God.

Let's do that for one another anyways: Lets give value to one another and through that we can glorify God's name!

Sorry for unintentionally choosing a "side" in this mommy battle by sharing the original article.

for real though, if you haven't seen the SNL skit- Go Watch It! LOL
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How Much, for Your Integrity?


  1. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
  2. the state of being whole and undivided.
  3. a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions. Integrity can be regarded as the opposite of hypocrisy, in that integrity regards internal consistency as a virtue, and suggests that parties holding apparently conflicting values should account for the discrepancy or alter their beliefs.
  4. human constructs of accountability and internal consistency

What Does Integrity Look Like in Blogging...

Questions I've recently had to ask myself concerning this blog that I also believe God may want to use in you as well:

Do you have the quality of being honest? Do others know you for having strong moral principles, values, or a basic accountability for expected internal consistency? Are there some things that mean more to you than others? Where's you line? Do others know your line {or faded squiggle}?

Who do you represent? How much is the name you just thought of worth preserving? Is that person {being you or someone else} known to be upright, dependable, consistent?

Truths discovered via valley group studies:

God's name is the only name of real integrity. His name is the name above all names. The only one worth wagering anything on. The name in which we can wholly lean on . The name by which we should base all true ethics, accuracy, virtue, and constant upon.

In your "bio" is there anywhere that list something that would link you with those who consider themselves Christians: "noble, and good, and Christ-like"? Are you carrying His name well?

Why do we exist?

To bring GLORY to God. Meaning we are here to do nothing but bring attention to His worthy name. Bring Fame to Him. Honor Him in what we do.

It's not of Him selfish. Its True.

He is the only one deserving glory, honor, respect.

How does this play out in real life {for me in this present time}:

Will I accept an advertising deal for a nice company without being bluntly transparent with my readers about being compensated for the guest post?

I mean, I'm a tiny blog. Just getting started {over 2 years ago Ahhhh}. I'm not a household name. I can claim ignorance of the blogging law and hope not to get in trouble. Maybe no one would find out anyways. My readers probably don't care anyways.

Is my name worth $200 to maintain a consistent pattern of values?


Is The One I represent worth it?


It is no longer I that lives but Christ that lives within me. -Galatians 2:20

I want you to know that my name is worth nothing. This blog is really worth nothing. But as a representative of someone Much higher, I will always strive to have integrity in my life and in everything that spills over here. <3 Through that I pray you are comforted and that above anything else, God's Name is Glorified.

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