Rothacher Baby #4 is…..
Crumbs in the Bed
Me moved.
Yep, it was supposed to be today. Per the sellers request for extended time to move out, we should have been spending our first night in our new home tonight. But we got to move in early. It was supposed to be Tuesday, per my request- after the carpets where stretched and cleaned Monday, then allowed time to dry completely. We would also have had time to paint both bedrooms, clean the entire new house before anything came in, as well as do all that packing I hadn't done in the old house. You know, just simple logical, OCD mamma, organized planner kind of stuff. But nope.
Sunday, we left for the valley that morning, knowing the women had pulled away from the house for good the day before. We had already started the fence {entirely another post, lol} and painted Jamin's room. We planned to take naps at Nanna's around the corner and let the boys start painting rooms while we waited another day or so to hear about where the new fence was allowed to go.
Sunday afternoon, we ate at the local Mexican restaurant with tons of friends and I left there to show our new home to an out-of-town friends. Matt went to put the kids down and when he showed up to the new house all gitty, he decided we were moving that night....
No matter how I tried to joke about the stress that would come from this rash decision, I left the new house, heading to our borrowed house with friends to pack. Don't get me wrong. I like the idea of being able to Finally stay in the home we'd been searching for over a year. I liked the idea of sleeping in the home we just bought. I liked that we would be there the next day to work on cleaning, painting, building, etc. So why was I stressed?
I don't do well making quick decisions. I'm a planner. I had to go to the house and figure out what I needed to camp out as a prego, with 3 little bitty kids, a hubby who would have multiple helpers over, and for an undisclosed amount of time before we would go back to the house before the BIG Saturday move. Oh, then I had to give direction to friends who were helping me pack. My brain was mush. My body was mush.
In about 2.5 hours, my friends packed everything left in my house. I packed 1 giant bag of essential {minus the adult toothpaste & Matt's contact holder}. We loaded 3 vehicles and a truck with boxes, bags, bedding, and mattresses. It Was Nuts.
After unloading all this stuff at the new house I went with our summer intern to get Chinese food in town. Yep. Then I went to bed...on the mattress on the floor. We woke to a hearty breakfast of cereal & water. I forgot the fridge stuff too...
The past few days have been spent few days running back to the house for things we forgot, randomness from the store(s), painting, cleaning, unpacking, organizing, playing, and just enjoying our awesome new home. I'm wooped. I missed 2 post deadlines. I'm behind on my VA stuff. And I skipped valley groups with my sad, sleepy little boy and our awesome artist who was working on J's room. {More on that later, too} So, tonight...I'm eating chips in my bed typing this, waitng for my hubs to return. I'm thinking I should have sat on his side of bed to eat these crubling chips. LOL Oh well, night night. Even with crumbs in the bed. At least its off the floor now. 😉
NOTE: I wouldn't change all this stress and tiredness for being unsubmissive and brazenly mouthy. Although I did explain all these stresses to the hubs after my lil poutifest, I completely trust his decisions for our family!
Tell Him
Last month I shared some general statements of encouragement for new ministers' wives. This month I want to share a few more that relate directly to that beautiful relationship between husband and wife. Here goes...
Monday, Tuesday, Happy Days…
I feel like all I do on here now is give random update posts.
Sorry, here's another one.
I hope this absence is encouraging for you and energizing/inspiring for me.
I am apparently a wuss when it comes to pregnancy. It turns me into an exhausted introvert. I mean, a side from the normal, "I'm growing a baby and its tiring" I have dealt with more nausea and vomiting in this pregnancy than any other. I'm not sure if its going away either...Scary!
On tops of that, I have a heart murmur which apparently cause my irregular heart palpitations to be significantly heightened during pregnancy. What the smack does that mean? If I suddenly feel I'm not going to vomit for the next few minutes, I get up, walk across the room to do some sporadic cleaning, laundry, showing, etc then about 5 minutes in, I feel like my heart is going to explode, I can't catch my breath and I need to sit lay down pass out somewhere.
Then, there are these little people who want me to feed them. Play with them. Utter words of guidance rather than just give them a look when they are making bad choices. Words. Those take energy. Aside from the adorable little munchkins, there are friends whom I want to hang out with. I head to the valley for services and by the time I get there all my energy has been spent showering, talking to children, and getting car sick on the 30 minute commute. Socializing is the furthest thing from my mind. That sucks! I LIKE people. Before babies, I think I used to be known as a fun energetic, sociable person who was a productive citizen. Now? Lethargic, grumpy, dazed pregger...
So, back to the "What have you been doing other than feeling sick & tired while lying around your dirty house?"
- See above 😉
- Last Week/beginning of this week we got to hang out with my sis-in-law who was visiting from NC, celebrate the 4th of July with friends, food, and fireworks, greet Matt's BFF & his lil sis who will be interning at the valley for the of the summer and then lots of hanging out/running in circles.
Buying a House!
The process of making an offer, signing papers, patiently waiting has gone both fast and slow. I feel like I just got to take a deep breath now that I know we are finally going to be moving to THE FIELD. Where to now?
- Wednesday we closed on our house!
- Today we bought paint for 2 bedrooms and part of the wood for the back fence.
- Tomorrow we {hopefully} will be painting the rooms, building the fence, and cleaning the house.
- Saturday we {if the timeline is working out} will paint murals {princess tower, cityscape, and brick wall}, hang closet rails, finish fence, and try to be patient.
- Sunday- valley
- Monday there will be guys at our house stretching and cleaning the carpets and WE will be at the OB office where {HOPEFULLY} we will find out who baby #4 is {boy vs girl}.
- Monday night or Tuesday we will move our essentials into the house and LIVE THERE!
- Saturday is the BIG move day where we will have friends helping us move all of our stuff from "the cabin" to our HOME! and then we'll do a final cleaning of the borrowed home.
Starting/thinking about projects
During all this "down time", I have been dreaming of projects I'd like to start on. If 2nd trimester ends up being my relief months, then I will be going full throttle at them. This is where it should be exciting for you: MORE TUTORIALS! Some of the things I like to get to are:
- Redecorating an entire home!
- painting bedrooms
- painting murals
- hanging pictures {entire walls of picture frames} for the first time in 6+ months.
- setting up a new play/school room
- setting up a Back Yard {its been WAY too long}
- Selling all my furniture {kinda} and picking out new {to us} furniture for the 1st time in almost 10 years. This could lead to lots of DIY projects including but not limited to
- painting our master bedroom furniture
- repainting the girls furniture
- building shelves
- repurposed/painted living room coffee & end tables
- Selling anything that's not tied down/completely necessary
- take pictures for online garage sales:
- prep for consignment event:
- take pictures for online garage sales:
- Sewing
- another seatbelt pillow
- pillows {indoor & outdoor}
- shade curtains for our deck
- curtains for inside {just a couple of rooms}
- Get back into a Routine
- School Work with girls
- Outing {library, park, regular grocery shopping}
- Making Meals {At Home}
Yeah, I should really get to this one... I have some boxes. I just hate putting stuff in them. Don't know where to start. And I'm not sure I have enough for all the stuff that needs to go in boxes.
- This post is yet another way I am trying to organize things in my head to get ready to be productive.
- Weekly general plan
- Budget(s)
- Menu(s): easy meals for the next week of chaos, freezer meal ideas for the crockpot {hoping the fam will like them so then I can stock pile them for baby-go-time}
- Grocery list(s): normal/weekly list & stockpile list for SAMs
Thanks for letting me share! Now, lets see how much of this I can actually get done.
BTW: if you wanna follow the Rothacher life on Instagram, you can request to follow me: @JULESROTHACHER.