Our relaxing Friday turned into squealing into the parking lot of an urgent care center.
I once again unload my clown car and let myself giggle a little at the moment. Laughter is Definitely one of my stress relievers! We pitter pattered through the heavy glass doors and made small talk over the weird standy guy riding a horse in the entry way. Accessing the environment, I quickly ask the girls to have a seat in two chairs right next to the window where I, with J overly protected on my hip, will be checking in.
A sweet women opens the window and looks at me and my silly Jamin in his superman sweatshirt. {bwt: Am I supposed to know what these people need to know from me? anyways...} I said, "Hi. He [looking at Jamin] has cut open the back of his head and may need stitches." to which she responded, "Has he been here before?" She was more than polite but I was stressed and slightly annoyed. I just wanted to respond, "HE'S TWO! I'm NOT a Horrible Mother!!! REALLY!!! So of Course he's never been here...to the URGENT Care center," but instead I calmly smiled and said, "No ma'am".
She reached next to her and grabbed the unavoidable clipboard full of paper work to fill out. Then I was directed to a section of the waiting room behind a wall "where we keep the children". {insert Daddy Day Care reference} Just kidding, where there was a kids area. We all scurried over to find the assortment of toys and books that would occupy them while I flipped quickly through the pile of papers and scribbled down the necessary information.
The girls squirm around the kid's area and finally ask if they could go the "potty". Not wanted to waste a moment of precious fill-out-the-paper-work time, I allow them to go into the women's "one holer" together because I can see it from where we are sitting. They giggle across the waiting room and race into the restroom. I finish up the papers and proudly hand them over to the women at the window. She, less impressed with my stealth, ask for the name of "his" primary care giver.
Snap...I don't know! We've only been to a doctor in town once, ugg, and that was just Last week. I quickly give her the name of the pediatric clinic but explained we saw the nurse practitioner and I didn't know the doctor's name there yet. She looks at me confused..."If it is between the hours of 8-5 you have to go to your PCP". "Uhhh, I was Just there and they sent me Here." The confusion slides off her face and she informs me she would just call and get a referral. "Thanks you!" Now, I am a calm, sane women but I was not about to leave over a technicality. My kid has a hole in the back of his head!
I shack it off and go to check on the girls in the restroom. They are still gitty that they were allowed to go to the restroom "by themselves" so I just close the unlocked door after making sure they knew not to come out without their pants pulled up. Classy, I know!
J and I make our way back to our corner in time to hear a familiar voice. MATT IS HERE! My handsome princess had arrived. I love seeing my hubs and he comes to my rescue often but this was right up there with the first night he rescued me and I ever felt compelled to kiss the boy.
skippable side story: We weren't even technically dating and I'd taken some junior high girls home out in the boonies past Walnut Ridge, AR. I know, it actually can get more in-the-boonies than Walnut Ridge. Anyways. I knew I was low on gas but it was Walnut Ridge; it was late at night; and I'd promised to have the girls home. Yep, I ran out. Sitting on the side of the road in utter nothing-but-fields-of-crops darkness. Me and my little Honda were stranded. I called the only person I knew could help. I called Matt. I waited trying not to freak out and when I saw him pull up
onin his black mustang, I wanted to cheer. As I climbed into his car I wanted to smooch that boy right on the cheek like a real gentleman deserved...but I didn't. I don't really regret it though. I get to smooch that gentleman any time I want now!
Matt's eyes dart around the waiting room trying to locate us. My heart rate lulled and I could breath just a little easier. Our eyes meet and I glance at the restroom. He knew exactly what I am saying and went in to find the girls and help them finish up. A couple minutes later, they round the corner and join us. I wanted to crawl up in Matt's lap but instead I hand over the injured one for some snuggles. Jamin just kept cheering, "Daddy! Daddy!" as if this was a party his poor dad finally made it to. We chatt briefly. I tell him we are now just waiting to be called back and he let me know he'd stopped by the house to clean up all the blood so I didn't have to when I got home. {swoon}
Our friend Lacey pops out to check on us. Giggling at my terrible makeshift bandage, she lets me know we are next to be called. She pulled the bandage back and locates the wound {as had Matt moments before} and like all good friends, she says, "Oh girl! That will need some stitches. You did a great job. You are a superhero! You did exactly what you should have done. Way To Go." Well, maybe she didn't say all that but she did reassure me and make me feel less self-conscious about what a terrible mother I was for letting my kid bash his head in and all the while wondering if they were gonna call DHS on me.
She disappears back into the hall and we go back to our waiting.
to be continued...

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