This Year’s Love Note Stations

If we are friends on facebook or you hang out on the as Jules is going page, you may have seen our "love note station" hard at work. Mainly by my 5-year-old who loves crafting along with her new found skills of reading and writing.

Love Note Station

Today I am sharing the basics of how we set up our station. Come check it out on the homemaker's challenge.

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Snow Day {Thoughtful Thursday}

Thoughtful Thursdays on as Jules is going

We currently don't have snow {boo- if it's gonna be this cold there should be fun white stuff} but I know many of you across the states right now do.

Cheap Plastic Table Clothe = Collection Site for Snow Day Layers

I also know bundling your little ones can be a hassle. Especially when they want to come in and out in and out because it's so cold. I discovered that an old plastic table clothe works great for a collection site right next to the door for all their wet, fridges clothing that they are going to want to put right back on in about 30 minutes.

This keeps tiny boots from tracking snowy mud across the entire house and keeps everything all in one spot so its all ready when they are {again}.

snow break with hot coco

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Our Family Chore Chart

Today is Jamin's first day of officially being "on the chore chart". 🙁

Training Littles to help with Household Chores

I've been postponing just seems too soon. This means he is really growing up 🙁 My younger kids have always though it "unfair" when the older kids got to "help" by doing chores. Every once in a while I would 'let them' help the olders do the chore. Last week was Jamin's official "training week".

All that was supposed to mean was Jamin tagged along with Maggie when she did her chores and watched. What it ended up being was Maggie, the master leader that she is, called Jamin to her when she was asked to do her chore and talked him through how to do each one...step. by. step. Izzie thought she wanted a turn at being his "trainer" but got really irritated quickly and didn't pull it off as easily as Mags did. lol He learned where dishes belong, how to sort laundry, and was already very aware of how the coveted "set the table" chore worked.

My kids' chore chart for the week teaching responsibility, learning household chores, finances, budgeting, and gerousityUp Close pic of children's chore chart

One of the things that has helped me is this "responsibility chart" we've had for several years now. I found mine at a consignment event but you can buy the same chart HERE <--affiliate link fyi. I like the chart because it keeps me from asking my oldest to do everything; because I know it will get done, get done right, and it's just easier. Here is how we use our chart:

Basic Chores

This chart comes with tons of "responsibility" options. There are lots of them that are just expected in our house {ie "Say Please & Thank You", "Don't Use Bad Language"}. Then there are some we've labeled "morning chores" {ie "Make Bed", "Get Dressed"} and these are things everyone is supposed to do every morning. The basic chores we are teaching our littles to currently help with are:

  • Set the Table: decides where everyone sits as well as what color plate they use
  • Dishes: I have most dishes in lower cabinets for them to reach; they place other items that go higher on the counter for me to put away
  • Laundry: sorts into clean baskets {we'll work on folding later}, everyone helps put away clothes over the weekend.
  • [help with] Trash: [helps daddy] bring trash bags from bathrooms, carry out recycling, and take to the curb on the appropriate night
  • Sweep: dinning room & kitchen daily, bathrooms and laundry room as needed
  • Vacuum: living room daily, bedrooms as needed

I like to have the same person do Set the Table and Dishes on the same day so if there are no dishes for them to set out they can see the direct correlation between the chores as well as why its important to do these things daily. I have just now started 'training' how to sweep & vacuum so I put those two together and only assign that to the older girls {who are more capable}.

Smiley Face Assignment

I think this chart may have been designed for "earning" smiley faces but since we expect them to help out around the house, we just assign "jobs" they're "allowed" to help with and we take down/replace the smile with a different color if they don't end up doing it that day.

  • Pink: Maggie {5-years-old}
  • Purple: Izzie {4-years-old}
  • Blue: Jamin {3-years-old}
  • Orange, Yellow, Green: everyone/whoever Mom & Dad's choose

Since the "basic chores" are things that need to be done daily, all I have to do is ask "whose on ____ today" and that person is in charge of doing that chore right then.


I'm not sure if allowance is the right term but we "allow" our kids to have money as a way for us to start teaching preschool finances 101; the chores are just a good excuse to do that.

  • Bread Tie: represents money- can choose to 'spend' them on things
  • Penny: when we start working on counting and are responsible enough to keep up with the money
  • Nickle: when they start counting by 5s

At the end of the week, we count which chores were completed and hand out allowance. Then we have them put them into their bankS we made; this is how we teach them about generosity and budgeting.

Homemade Banks

Don't forget, it's never too early to have children do chores. The early you start, the easier it becomes a habit and helps the entire family in the long run. Their perspective of household chores is all based on how you present it; we choose to show these chores as a privilege to those who are old enough.

Our philosophy has always been, We all helped make the mess so we will all help clean up the mess. Don't get me wrong. I've had to let go of a lot of my perfect ideals, and tons of my organizational tendencies for the details. BUT we get the major stuff done...most of the time. Helping with household chores is also a way children learn about serving one another, being considerate, and responsibility.

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The Ultimate Christmas Season Bucket List

The Ultimate Christmas Season Bucket List!!!

If you've been around here long, you know I love organization, even if that's becoming harder to come by in my home during this season}. I also love Christmas AND a good plan {or general idea of where we're going}. So of course, I would be all about Advent, countdowns, and bucket lists.

Decorate for ChristmasToday, I've tried to combine my love of these in a general list of great ideas our family, among having a baby, is going to try to remember to enjoy this season. If you want to read about it and or print the list, check it out on the Homemaker's Challenge today! 😀

Merry Christmas!!!

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How-to “Take Them a Meal”

Do any of you have friends having babies? Coworkers losing loved ones? Family sick or loosing their jobs? Sometimes the holidays can just be hard. We all know providing a necessity, like a yummy meal, during times like these can be the best ways to help and comfort. We also know that lots of well meaning people can be overwhelming and disorganized when trying to all help and comfort the same people.

How-to Use Take Them A Meal

Today, I'm sharing one of my FAVORITE online FREE find on the Homemakers Challenge! Sneak on over and hear how to use "Take Them a Meal", a free online organization tool that's so easy to use for facilitating such a ministry.

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