The Ultimate Christmas Season Bucket List

The Ultimate Christmas Season Bucket List!!!

If you've been around here long, you know I love organization, even if that's becoming harder to come by in my home during this season}. I also love Christmas AND a good plan {or general idea of where we're going}. So of course, I would be all about Advent, countdowns, and bucket lists.

Decorate for ChristmasToday, I've tried to combine my love of these in a general list of great ideas our family, among having a baby, is going to try to remember to enjoy this season. If you want to read about it and or print the list, check it out on the Homemaker's Challenge today! 😀

Merry Christmas!!!

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How-to “Take Them a Meal”

Do any of you have friends having babies? Coworkers losing loved ones? Family sick or loosing their jobs? Sometimes the holidays can just be hard. We all know providing a necessity, like a yummy meal, during times like these can be the best ways to help and comfort. We also know that lots of well meaning people can be overwhelming and disorganized when trying to all help and comfort the same people.

How-to Use Take Them A Meal

Today, I'm sharing one of my FAVORITE online FREE find on the Homemakers Challenge! Sneak on over and hear how to use "Take Them a Meal", a free online organization tool that's so easy to use for facilitating such a ministry.

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How-to Pack a OCC Shoes Box

Now that you know the history of Operation Christmas Child; have answers to some frequently ask questions; and have some fun inexpensive gift ideas for your shoe box, lets talk about HOW to pack a shoes box with a little help from our favorite Veggies.

Those were the basics, tomorrow I'm going to add a video of my kids, who wanna share how they get all the goodies into your shoe box so its ready to touch a life across the world.
How to pack an Operation Christmas Child Box
Samaritan's Purse also has tons of other resources available to you and your family. Check'm out!

Click any image for the printable versions:
#itsaboutgiving duet 15 10coloring_pageocc_coloring_page


Learn more about the new Veggie Tales Christmas movie coming out via this trailer and print a coupon for it HERE:

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Operation Christmas Child Gift Ideas

History of OCC & FAQ
Keep a look out on the Facebook page for a OCC GIVEAWAY!!!!

Buying items for an Operation Christmas Child box does NOT have to be a budget breaker.

OCC gift ideas on a Budget

This has become an annual tradition in our house. Our preferred place to shop? The Dollar Tree!

For real. We have an average budget of ~$10 per child/box. Our 3 children get to go with us to the store and scavenge over the toy aisle finding the perfect gifts. This is of course after we've double checked any stash we may have had at home. We encourage the kids to work together in order to be able to provide more items in each box while keeping the spending low.

Packs of multiples as well as gender neutral items are a great idea. We always take everything out of the package that is possible to be able to cram as much into those tiny boxes as possible. Below are huge lists of possible items to get your creative juices flowing.

    • pens
    • pencils and sharpeners
    • crayons
    • markers
    • stamps and ink pad sets
    • writing pads or paper
    • solar calculators
    • coloring and picture books
    • colored construction paper
    • small spiral notebook
    • stickers
    • foam shapes {with sticky backs}
    • scissors or hole punch
    • FAVORITE: boxes of crayons, markers, and other school supplies we stocked up on while they were on sale during "back-to-school sales}


  2. TOYS:
    • miniature cars
    • miniature people/dolls/action figures {NO WEAPONS or WAR FIGURES}
    • balls
    • bouncy balls
    • dolls or stuffed animals
    • musical instruments: kazoos, harmonicas, clappers, whistles
    • yo-yos
    • jump ropes
    • small Etch A SketchÂŽ
    • jacks
    • marbles
    • toys that light up or make noise (with extra batteries)
    • Slinky,ÂŽ etc.
    • Playdough{although, some children have been known to eat it not knowing what it was}
    • mini Frisbees
    • brand new kids' meals toys


    • toothbrush and toothpaste
    • mild bar soap (in a plastic bag)
    • comb or brushes {preferably compact or fold-able to save space}
    • washcloth {consider those "growing" clothes to save space}
    • mirrors {reflective but better if not actual glass}
    • chapstick
    • FAVORITE: bar soaps from hotels, small toothbrushes/paste from the dentist


    • t-shirts
    • socks
    • underwear {very hard to find in a lot of 3rd world countries}
    • loves
    • hats
    • sunglasses
    • hair clips
    • toy jewelry
    • watches


  5. OTHER:

    • thick plastic cups
    • bowls
    • plastic shoebox {rather than cardboard} so they can repurpose it
    • flashlights (with extra batteries)
    • hard candy

    Here's a post that includes lots of handmade items!


    You may enclose a note to the child and a photo of yourself or your family. If you include your name and address, the child may write back. Even if they don't, they would love to see the face and hear that someone is praying for them.


Used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; chocolate or food; out-of-date candy; liquids, liquid soaps/shampoos, or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snowglobes or glass containers; aerosol cans.

Reminder: you can always fit more into a box if you remove things from their packages. That's totally legit & the kids will have no idea they used to be in one more layer of wrapping 😉

Operation Christmas Child

Tomorrow, we'll learn how to pack a box AND there's also a fun video from Special Guest VEGGIES to get your kids excited up about helping!!!!

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The Mommy Battle

This morning I read an article entitled,
|“You’re a stay-at-home mom? What do you DO all day?”

The Mom Battle Who Are We Really FightingBeing a stay-at-home-mom and having heard this question, in many different forms, I was intrigued and clicked over quickly to see what this women had to say. I was shocked to find out it was a dude. This was a dad defending his wife in her choice to stay home. WOW!

After reading it, agreeing with several powerful quotes, and wanting to encourage my other SAHM friends, I shared the link on my personal Facebook page. After hearing my husbands response to the post and what stuck out to him as well as reading some of the negative feedback in his comment section of that post, I became very aware of the other side of the coin. The work-outside-the-home-mom's whom I am also friends with and respect just as much as the SAHMs were mortally offended and degraded by this man and his blunt statements.

I wanted to write this in response to how I may have made those women feel. Confession: I'm an idiot.

We are not fighting one another. We are spiritual beings, in a spiritual world, fighting unseen spiritual battles. We are not fighting one another. The only ones loosing in this battle are our children.

I think I was comforted by the fact that there are other moms {and apparently dads} who see value in what I've chosen to do with my life. I think everyone would be encouraged by being given value. Reading the post from that point of view, I easily skimmed over the parts that could be taken as a slam on those who have not chosen the at-home route.

It is childish to make yourself feel better by belittling someone else.

In some ways, I think that is how this post could be read as a non-SAHM. I have worked outside the home and do "work" other than my home & children while at home but I still don't completely understand because I've never been there.

I think there are rights and wrongs in this world. There has to be. I serve a God who is an absolute therefore there are absolutes. I think the biggest absolute to live by is: Its Not About You. We were not created because God was lonely & needed us. We were not created because God was bored. We were not created because God loves us. We were created to glorify His name. So, in all that you do, Glorify God's name. Staying at home? Glorify Him in how you do it. Working outside the home? Glorify Him in how you do it. Doing a little bit of both? Glorify Him in how you do it.

My favorite quote from the post that I believe is true for both sides of this battle Satan has pitted in our generations is

we’ve idolized “being busy,” and confused it with being “important.”

I have heard this sentiment from all my friends. Its like the old one-upper SNL skit where we are always {nearly embarrassing ourselves} trying to make sure the other person believes we are equals, knows we work hard, and basically that they values us. God hasn't called us to be busy. Breath. Let it be okay to be...not busy. All of us!

Stay-at-home-moms, its okay to admit you have "down time". Some days, you can't make it to story-time, that play-date, or the late night birthday part. Its okay. Some days need to be PJ, no shower, entirely too many movie days. Its okay.

Work-outside-the-home-moms, its okay to admit you have "down time". Some days you can't run your kids to that soccer practice, you don't want to make dinner, or do the laundry. That's okay. Some days you need to play a game of solitaire on your computer at work, take an extra long lunch break, or put your kids to bed early because your wooped. Its okay.

We do not earn our value from how little time we have, how many Pinterest projects we complete, how young our children know their ABCs, what kind of car we're driving, the fashion statement our children are making, the vacation we've saved for, the manors our kids have, or anything else this world can measure.

Don't find your worth based on how little [time] you have. The only way we are given worth it through the payment Jesus made for us. He has paid for us and that's the only thing that gives us value and right standing before a Holy God.

Let's do that for one another anyways: Lets give value to one another and through that we can glorify God's name!

Sorry for unintentionally choosing a "side" in this mommy battle by sharing the original article.

for real though, if you haven't seen the SNL skit- Go Watch It! LOL
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