While I’m Waiting

I needed this today!

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My Comfy Peace that, “God’s GOT This!”

God's been opening doors all over the place since we committed to this God-size dream He gave us.

valley testlogo blackI mean, we shouldn't be surprised right? If he ask us to do something He's not gonna sit back and laugh at us while we fumble around making fools of ourselves while trying to accomplish it. Heck no. God's already got a crazy detailed manuscript He's directing and we are just blessed to be asked to have an extra part in a tiny scene of this movie we call eternity.

Way back in November 2011, when my husband shared with me that he was sure God was calling him to be a pastor {and if you know me and my hubs, this would be a shock to all of you as well}. Not only was he supposed to be a 'grown-up pastor' now but he was being asked to PLANT a Church.

WHAT?!?! Aren't there enough churches? Everyone is leaving the ones that exist. How are we supposed to do any better than what's already out there? We know NOTHING about running a church.

These were the questions that I later learned were flying through my husband's head when he began sorting this God-sized dream out. He joked about some of these things but it never seemed to be a dampener on what God was gonna let us do. I'm slightly childish in this way. When God ask me to do something, I'm sure its Him, I just do it. Some may call that extreme faith but I think its just how He made me...kinda like being short ;o)

If I give myself lots of time to think about something, that's when the questions come. Not the, "don't you know I can't do this God"s but the "well, what can I do to move this along" questions. This life of limbo is either one of two things; God teaching us {lots of} something(s) OR satan trying to mess with my head and get me to jack things up by trying to do it on my own during the waiting. Daily I remind my self of the spiritual battle going on and wiggle down into my comfy peace that, "God's got this!" Some days that works and other day I'm a panicky mess, don't ask my hubs, he'll give ya the horror stories. hehe

Any how, about all these doors God is opening since saying Yes to this adventure:

  • a woman, we had never met before, who is committed {and I mean Committed!} to give us 1/3 of her already meager income
  • a partner church who is interested in helping plant autonomous churches
  • 100 folding chairs
  • friends who have a heart for church plants
  • friends who have a heart for the community we are going to minister
  • random jobs {never saw ourselves working} to offset our income
  • a radio interview {that came out of the blue} where I was able to share part of our story, as well as educate listeners on church planting and the de-churched
  • can lights, a projector and a screen Fo Free!
  • a couple churches who have committed to praying for us and/or financially supporting us
  • and tons of other things I've forgotten to mention


Things we are faithing God has in the works:

  • a space for The Valley to meet in weekly {praying for "The General", an old Dollar General in a store front}
  • people who will commit to being part of the leadership: ie. Financial Advisor, Worship Team, Administrator
    {UPDATE: we've had vocalist, drummer, and other musicans come talk with us recently!}
  • A passionate move of God like no other ever seen in Vilonia, AR where those who know Jesus catch fire and Salvation spreads across that community so ramped that no one can deny GOD is at work!

I haven't talked a whole lot about the logistics of what we're doing on here...mainly 'cause I don't know if you'll care Or what you really wanna know, already know, or could care less to know. Blow up the comment section or message me. I'd love to share more. If there is a lot of interest I'll even do an entire Q & A post for ya.

Speaking of which; Matt and I will be doing a question and answer session a One Church {Conway} on the evening of January 27th. If your interested in more info about this then ask away!

I've also provided a link to the interview I mentioned above if you'd like to hear it. It's an hour long program but you can skip ~15 minutes in to where my interview starts and of course fast-forward through the commercial breaks. My part of the interview is really only about 20 minutes.

Chasing After the De-Churched a radio interview with Vivienne McNeny

Download HERE to Listen


I wrote this last week and when it went live this morning my husband was in the process of picking up an old screen someone had donated only to find out that they were searching for more equipment items to bless us with. Thank you so much Mark Cox & Indian Springs BC for being Jesus through extravagant generosity! And the Fagan family for letting us borrow your ginormous covered trailer to hall it all in. AND to Pappa Dean for helping us pick it up {and for storing it until we get a space of our own!

God is so randomly Good. Just when we think we understand Him... waBam!



And, if any of your readers out there in cyberspace happen to be in the Conway/Vilonia area:

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The Roth Babes’ Meeting

I LOVE my lil family!!!

embedded by Embedded Video

vimeo Direktw=500 h=281

For those interested in getting some questions answered about this "Valley" thing, come see us!

For size comparison, check out the old school video I posted yesterday when we just had 'the girls' and were testing out our mad rapping skills ;o)

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It's amazing how powerful words can be.

WORDS {post}

Simple utterings that many across the word couldn't even understand. Combinations of sound. Cadence pasted down among family and cultures.

Up-lifting. Ineradicable. Eloquent. Profoundly Tender. Passionate. Affection. Permanent. Strong. Powerful. Destructive. Simple. Terrifying. Heart-wrenching. Life-changing.

This morning as I remembered I had a scheduled interview with an online talk-radio personality, {download it HERE} and to quote a friend, "my stomach dropped out my butt." My nerves were running ramped. I was crazy nervous. I know it may sound silly but I was frozen with the fear that I wouldn't be able to articulate what I needed to when I was called on to do so. I've dealt with this all my life. That's part of the reason I'm a blogger, NOT a live TV host ;o) Blogging gives me time to think. Rethink. Determine if what I said was really what I was trying to say. This pure genius doesn't just spill out naturally {bw'hahaha}

Fear always comes out of ignorance.

Being uninformed. Having a lack of knowledge. Ignorance is why God ask us to have faith. Trust in what we can't see. With no foresight. Walking into the unknown. Believing in His character and promise. His promise being He will always be with us. Rest in that!

There is now a track around my living room from my pacing as I chatted with Vivianne McNeny. She was not harsh or intimidating, but actually quite sweet. I just felt the need to convey my thoughts in a coherent manor. We were of course talking about this new adventure of faith God is taking my family on, church-planting. Matt has typically been the one to take the lead on this topic but here I was. Speaking to someone who's denomination doesn't do church-planting per-say as well as an audience of  1500+ who may or may not have ever heard of church-planting, the de-churched, or might even Be the un-churched or de-churched.

Think before you speak has never felt so relevant.

All the while sitting in my fear in my very small bubble, the world was aching over real hurt. Over real trauma, terror, traumatic, heart-wrenching, life-changing news.

Just when I thought my worldview was big enough, a gunman opened fire in Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut killing dozens of students as well as some of the staff, and my heart grew two sizes today. These are a few of the gentle responses Facebook friends are saying:

How does a parent even begin to explain this tragedy to their child? What these kids saw today. Unimaginable. My problems are so small.

So heartbreaking. There are just no words that suffice. Come quickly, Lord.

I have never been so anxious as I am today to pick my babies up from school. Praying for the Community in Connecticut, teachers, students and their families. 🙁

Sweet Jesus, we come to you broken-hearted for the families and friends in Newtown, Connecticut. We have no words, only tears. So, we turn to Your Word... "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted," Matthew 5:4 NIV.
Oh God, comfort them. Hold them close. Restore hope. Lavish your most tender mercies upon every soul weeping in this midst of this deep sorrow.

We ask this in Jesus' Name, Amen.

There are really no


so please, it's okay to say nothing. It's better to hold your tong than to spew hatred, pain, and non-sense out of your hurt, confusion, and ignorance. Now is the time to mourn.

weep with those who weep

Scripture to consider before uncorking the power of our words ---> HERE


I've never experienced this personally but from a counselor, mom, and one who has, HERE are some tips on "How and What to Share with your Children When Tragedy Strikes"

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when the shiny wears off…

So, this past weekend we decided to stay in Vilonia! Yay for in-laws with a “summer home”. Bahahaha

We laughed, we played, we cried. When all the shiny of a new space and toys stopped distracting my littles from the reality of an overnighter in a different home, the tears set in. Well, at least with the 4-year-old.

A minimum of 3 rounds of this little number was belted out in a sorrowful little girl voice {imagine the cadence of Dori "speaking whale" on Nemo}:

I am very SAD. I just want To go HOme. But I caaaaan’t. It’s not really fair. I just want to go HOme but I CAn’t for a couple more days. I can’t have my own way or my own Bed. It’s making me feel like I want to go Out of this room and go see my MomMy. I just want to go Home” {continuing with some variation of the above}

I was quickly reminded that when the shiny of Church Planting begins to wear off, I may just wanna pack my crap and go home!

I don’t do well with change. I like my home. I don’t really wanna find a new home, sell ½ my junk, redecorate, pick new wall colors, reorganize a new space, find room for my growing kids stuff.

I don’t like not knowing the ins and outs of a new place. I liked that I finally found my way around town. I know people and places. I don’t have to always ask for directions or confess I have NO idea what/where someone is talking about.

I like thinking I know what I’m doing and where I’m going. I liked thinking Matt and I knew what we were doing in youth ministry. We knew how to draw a crowd. We were climbing ladders in youth organizations, camps, and making and name for ourselves around the state. {close friends-- stop laughing}

God’s asking me to put on my big girl panties and be willing to at least pull an overnighter. TRUST Him. He’s only got my best interest in mind. I can sing/cry all day long about how I just want to go home. I want my own bed. It’s just not fair. But what I consider home is wrenched. I Really don’t want to lie in the bed I’ve made myself. And I Reeeeally don’t want what’s FAIR. God’s so gracious.

Choosing to trust!

When I do…I think I gonna realized this new plan is way more glorious an adventure than what I had in mind could have ever been!

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