Our Weekend in Vtown

Matt’s teaching at a Disciple-Now this weekend, in a town about 2.5 hours away from our house. Ugg. We don’t get to see him as it is with this new job. SOOOoooo, we decided to go with him. Sort of. My adventurous in-laws beat us to the punch and have already bought a home in Vilonia. They’ve been so sweet to set it up with necessities and let us stay when we would like. Guess where we are this weekend? YEP! V-town. An hour closer to where Matt’s speaking means we get to see him in between speaking segments where as if we were at home we wouldn’t see him all weekend. I’m not sure I thought this all the way through though.

Matt rushed home from getting out of work late {40 minute drive} just in time to change out of his uniform and snatch up last minute items as we reloaded both cars and headed out. I drove Jamin in the car during his nap time so he could sleep and I could have some quiet/semi-alone time. Matt drove the bustling girls and their movie in the van the hour and a half up to Vilonia. I was about 10 minutes behind Matt because when leaving at 3pm it is a necessity to swing through the Sonic happy hour for a ½ priced Dr. Pepper after a fun-packed day of packing along with the normal items on a SAHM’s list duties. He went straight to the house and I swung through the McDonald’s to grab the fam a hearty dinner. When I got to the house Matt was finishing unloading the stuff and the girls where ecstatic to be playing with the toys Nanna had already moved in the house. I chunked cheese burgers and sippy cups on the table just in time to see Matt appear from the bedroom dressed and ready to run out the door with his burger.

Yeah, this is what I may not have completely timed out…

He headed out and the kids played happily like all children do with someone else’s toys, for about an hour. That puts us at about 6pm. Bed Time??? Not for another hour and a half. There’s very little here but they found it! I mean for real, hanging off the side of counters? Climbing on coffee tables? Opening and Shutting, Opening and Shutting, did I mention Opening and SHUTTING doors??? My pet-peeves! “LEAVE THE DOORS ALOOOOOONE!” Surprisingly they didn’t get out EVERY toy in the playroom…just all the ones they could reach without a ladder.

Now this list of activities makes my kids sound like terrors. They are NOT! They are sweet, well-behaved, good-mannered kids. Just apparently not in a new fun setting…

Around 7pm they ASK to go to bed. WHAT!?!?! “YES! You may go to bed!!!” Weird, but I wasn’t asking any questions. We made our way through sorting, reorganizing, and putting away toys. Then we slowly moved to putting on PJs. Finding diapers, music, paci, pillows, and sleeping buddies. The J-mister who began rubbing his eyes had no protest to early bed time since his afternoon nap was cut short by and hour. He said his, “nye nye”s and went down without a hitch. The girls rushed to the room with the trundle bed so excited to sleep in “Nanna’s New House”! I helped them choose which bed they were going to sleep in, turned on music, and tucked my sweethearts in. “Haaaaaaalleluiah!”

Yeah right. Moments later I hear the saddest little whimpering turned blubbering saying the words, “Mommy, I want to go HOME!”

The sun went down and my child turned into a monster. This happens quite often in our home. Boooo I sweetly walked her back to her room, tucked her and her sister back into bed and sat with them for a while. We talked about why she was sad. “I want to go back home. I want my own bed!” THEN we talked more about why she wanted to go home, sleep in her own bed, and all the in between. I explained to here that it was okay to be sad and want your own bed. Change and new things can be hard sometimes. It’s much easier to sit and do the same things all the time. But that’s not the way God made us. We’re going to change. She is going to grow up. We are going to move {someday}. We will sell our house and move to a new home. THIS is the town God’s going to move us. We need to learn more about it and the people in it to better love on them. It’s hard, but God’s ask us to make the change. Her panting sniffs and eye-wiping slowed. Izzie made goofy remarks having no idea that Maggie was truly upset and occasionally chiming in with a “I wanna go home, too.” We moved on to talking about how to get used to change. I showed them the different lights in the room and what was making them. I told them what certain sounds were. I even reassured them that these beds where they same ones they slept in a Nanna’s. They were settled. I left.

I wish that was the end. I handled it right! Shouldn’t I be rewarded for not smacking her and telling her how blessed we are to have a place to stay? How cool it is that we get to see Daddy some this weekend instead of not at all? NOPE. Not tonight. When the whimpering started again I told her she had everything she needed. The crying was done and she needed to go to sleep so we could play more tomorrow. Settled? NOPE. She began singing this little ditty {insert loud crying/singing}:

I am very sad. I just want to go home. But I caaaaan’t. It’s not really fair. I just want to go home but I can’t for a couple more days. I can’t have my own way or my own bed. It’s making me feel like I want to go out of this room and go see my mommy. I just want to go home” {continuing with some variation of the above}

I’m not sure if I should laugh, cry, record this, or pack up and go home.

This continued for a while longer with less singing more crying. I marched back into the room and offered a new suggestion. “Do you girls want to sleep in the same bed?” Mags- “Noooooo, I want Yoooou!!!” Iz- “YEAH!” I re-explained to Maggie that there were no other options. Sleep alone or with Iz. But Sleep was go’n down! She finally complied and agreed that sleeping with her sissy would help her “feel better”. I piled their pillows next to one another and tucked them and their sleeping buddies under the covers. Knowing this was going to lead to either fighting/kicking or lots of giggling and chatters I awaited their verdict in the living room.

Its 8:20 now and it’s finally quiet in there. Nope, just kidding. The giggles have begun. Surprisingly, I’m just happy not annoyed by this. At least it’s just sweet chatting between sister and no longer violent utterings of a sorrowful preschooler. I love hearing them get along, too bad it’s usually when they’re not supposed to be awake or their making bad choices…but at least they’re getting along and using team work! {ahem}

They’ll pass out eventually…right?


See ya tomorrow for the Jesus Juke ;o)

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Family Halloween Costumes {Thoughtful Thursday}

If you last minute like we are some years, here are some cheap ideas or couple and family costumes!

Couple Costume Ideas:

The Incredibles

Black Face Paint
Red Off-brand Under-Armor Long Sleeve Shirts
Black Ladies Panties
Yellow Duct-tape
Red Tights
Black Boots
Printed logo on sticker paper

Family Costume Ideas:

Fireman, Firetruck, Fire-dog

Fireman: borrowed an actual fireman's outfit

Fire-dog: dalmatian costume cheap from Wal-Mart

Firetruck: Paint Cardboard Box like a firetruck
Cute a hole in the top large enough for the person wearing the costume
Cut small holes in the corners of the box threading twin through the holes
Knot twin inside the box at the length the person needs it
Wear solid colored clothing under as to not distract from the costume

Farmer, Farm-Dog, Prize-Winning-Pumpkin

Farmer: solid shirt under overalls with hubby's flannel over top- prego tummy simulates pot belly ;o)

Prize-Winning-Pumpkin: pumpkin costume borrowed from family friends

Farm-Dog: borrowed Awana Cubbie Bear costume
Safety pin fake fur from the Walley World cut into long floppy ears over the bear ears
Added a scarf to hide gap between head and neck of costume


Diet Coke Can: duct-tapped together 2 old banners
Loop the ends around 2 hoola hoops and duct-tape

Lady Bug: dalmatian costume cheap from Wal-Mart

Chicken Leg: brown sweat pants that fit and hubbies larger zip-up hoody stuffed with prego tummy and an extra pillow

Bag of Grapes: 2 clear 'gift bags' that are made to go over gift baskets
fill with green balloons
knotted together at the right length over shoulders {easy to remove if uncomfortable}
Solid colored clothing under costume as to not take away from actual costume.

"3 Little Pigs"

3 Little Piggies:
little girls: pink sweat pants under skirts
long sleeve pink shirt *either under another shirt or a shirt that already had pink sleeves hanging out

adult: pink leggings under shirt
Pink long sleeve shirt under another shirt

Everyone: Pink small triangles glued on larger triangle shaped ears hot-glued onto a headband
Foam cut into a spiral and pulled loose stitched to the booty of the skirts
Face paint on a pink noses

Big Bad Wolf: gray hoodie with gray foam triangle cut out ears stitched to the hood
flannel shirt over hoodie
overalls over shirt and hoodie with another foam cut out in the shape of a tale stitched on to the booty of the overalls
Face paint {or use mascara} on a black nose

Brick House: Red long sleeve t-shirt with bricks painted on with acrylic paint
Paint a roof on to a folded piece of cardboard safety pinned onto a stocking cap

Don't forget to take some fun pictures of your awesome costumes and print some prints, make a keepsake or even an entire scrapbook!


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So…my husband went back to prison yesterday…

It was his second time to grace the threshold of that place. Yesterday they wanted to see if he could walk, talk, & chew gum as my dad would put it. Really he had to climb stairs, drag around a limp body, and not die; pretty much the same thing.

I wish I could remember all the details leading up to this incarceration but basically Matt is being charged with loving his family too much and wanting to provide for them at any cost. Matt's been "self-employed" since the the May. Matt has been going to his "office" {McDs} and working via their WiFi as well as helping out TONS at home. With lots of travel and preparing our house for sale, Matt's been a busy man! Matt and I will be planting a church in Vilonia, AR. Our target launch date is Easter 2013! Until then, Matt is looking for work to supplement our income. The prison unit in Tucker is now hiring! Yesterday was the second 1/2 of the interview process. We'll keep ya updated on if Matt will be a permanent part of the Tucker unit ;o)

You can learn more about The Valley church HERE. Many of you have ask, "What does that mean." Well, let me try and answer the thousand different things that means:


The Valley will be a part of the AR Southern Baptist Convention. All that means is we agree with the "Baptist faith and message" and agree to give a percentage of our tithes and offerings as a church to the convention to use in furthering the gospel in even bigger ways. We currently get $1000.00 from the state as "church planters." The state convention has a budget set aside to help supplement church planters income during the prep time of launching a new church plant. The rest of our income comes from our savings that God so miraculously taught us to obtain over the past 2 years. It's not much but with a tight budget we are always provided for. We also have a few friends/sponsors who give either monthly or when they can. We don't budget any specific amount from these because they are not always guaranteed but God knows exactly when we need that boast. Birds of the air right, Jess?


The Valley church is currently live in White Hall. The "Church" are the believers/Christ followers, so yes, it's current "location" is White Hall, which is about an hour and 1/2 from where God has ask us to plant. I know it may seem odd to some that we are not just planting where we are but God has already done so many seemingly random things in preparation for our coming that we have no doubt that's where we are supposed to be. If you know anyone who wants an awesome house for a great deal, send them our way! I love this house and would take it with us if we could put it on wheels. It's great for hosting, entertaining, and ministering! I can't wait to see how God will provide a new home base to minister out of in Vilonia.

We are also traveling weekly to One Church in Conway, AR. They will be a sponsor church when we launch. That just means we are enjoying doing life with, worshiping along side, and getting to help minister to those God has called them to until we launch and get to focus all our energy on those in Vilonia. One Church exist to make disciples, and part of doing that for them is helping plant churches.  They are planning to help us financially when we launch as well as with people {the most important thing}. That means some people will help us on our launch day with simple logistical things; some people will commit to help us for 3 months {nursery workers, parking lot help, greeters, etc}; and some will commit to Go and Stay with us and The Valley.

We are working on and praying through where God would have The Valley church meet for weekly worship together. We still having landed on that yet. ;O)

Current steps in the Process:

I know it may be confusing that we "aren't working", haven't launched, and seem to just be siting. There are lots of things we've already established...Let me try and briefly tell you some of the things we've been doing/praying through in preparation to launch The Valley in a quick list.

  • Vision
  • Core Values
  • Structure
  • Sermons/outlines/series {lots of them}
  • Logo
  • Community involvement ideas
  • Possible ministry opportunities
  • Building a core team {leadership}
  • Learning/studying what God has for Vilonia
  • Meeting with contacts/
  • Web design
  • Formulating nursery processes
  • Sharing our vision within individuals & churches
  • Viewing options for space to meet
  • Obtaining PO box
  • Waiting through legal things
  • and probably lots of random things I don't remember right now

So...my husband went back to prison yesterday to help provide for our family until we secure more consistent sponsors. I'm sure I didn't fully answer everything. If you have ANY questions about what we've been doing or more about church planting, Please, ask away or click on one of the gazillion links to the website I've hooked to the words The Valley!

Do you want to find out more about being a part of The Valley?

give   prayerhands copy   JOINUS

Just wanted to give an update on The Valley!

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Mystery Trip {dates with your kids}

Matt has always been a romantic! I can remember all kinds of fun dates he's planned for me! So creative and thoughtful! Now that we have kids, the dating hasn't stopped, it just included the kids some times! LOVE IT!

Here's how the Mystery Trip went down the other night.

Close to bed time, Matt got all the kids in their PJs. While the kids were cleaing up the last of their toys, Matt and I snuck all our pillows into our van. {We leave the middle seat out all the time...long story} After that Matt loaded all 3 kids into the car and told them he had a surprise. They were so pumped but a little confused.

Why is Mommy not coming?
Where are we going?
Why do we have on our PJs already?

I jumped in the van with mild cups and as soon as I saw them pull out of the driveway I opened the garage door and headed out to grab my part of the surprise.

1st I hit up the local grocery store who cares Krispy Kreams and snatched up simple glazed doughnuts and doughnut holes.

Then I headed to the McDs around the corner and grabbed a movie, the Lorax, with our FREE coupon code, and ran through the drive thru to get my sweety a Diet Coke.

Finally I shot over to the local high school parking lot, and text Matt to tell him I was "in place". He had been driving a big loop to give me time to get there and through the kids for a loop. I began laying out the pillows over the entire floor and loaded the DVD in our super cool car DVD player.

Matt came into the parking lots and parked a spot over from the van where I was sitting in the back seat. Our oldest said, "Hey, that looks like Our van..." When I saw Matt about to get out of the car I slung open the back door and they cheered, "It's Mommy! She's the surprise!" Too funny! I liked being the surprise.

We unloaded the carseats and piled everyone into the van to watch our Red Box...but the disc was messed up. Oh well, we had a couple cartoons already in the car to choose from and it didn't really matter to them. We ate doughnut holes and sipped milk while snuggling, wrestling, laughing, and cuddling. I think there was a movie playing in the background but I don't remember what it was ;o)

I know thisi s blurry but you can see he's yelling "Juuuuuuice!" trying to hand out cups. hehe

Do you have an creative dates you've done with your hubs or kids?


 My Husband Rocks posts are sponsored by

My Husband Rocks Tees & more @ Union28.net!

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My Husband ROCKS! {planter, runner, handyman}

So a blogger friend acquaintance of mine {she's got a bazillion readers of which I'm just 1} is starting this really cool link-up series called "My Husband is Awesome" over at the Bohemian Bowmans. I love this because I LOVE my husband and don't get to praise him enough {via the net or in person}. Recently I noticed when reading other blogs {since 2-5 minute blurps are what I read if and when I read} that there are several women talking about marriage stuff/bettering their marriage or their husbands in general. I talk a big game and know that my husband is my best friend, my confidant, my biggest fan, and the person who treats me the most like Jesus. Many days I wish I could write about how-to better your marriage, love your hubs better etc...but I don't. Because...I don't. I'm aweful at 'working on' my marriage. Loveing my hubs in his 'language'. I get stuck in that same rut of kids, house, and my self-involved blogging business. I've always been bad about not trying unless I knew I was going to be successful at something. Even right now, I've been struggling with not trying in a couple areas for fear of failure.Thanks Jess for kicking me off the couch on this. Here's to trying!

Today I'm going to begin posting {at least} weekly updates just about my handsome hubs, Matthew Ray Rothacher!

WARNING: This man has been claimed til death does us part, so no creepers look'n to snag him up. He's mine. Not sure why God blessed me so abundantly, but he did. Sorry Ladies! ;o)

This week kicked off with an 'interview' at 1Church so our new church family can begin getting to know us and our vision for The Valley church plant. Matt rocked this out the house! God's refining him into such an amazing communicator! Just listening to him Sunday reignited the fire to jump on board with what God is planning to do in Vilonia!

Monday morning, we had our normal routine of me and the kids going grocery shopping and Matt heading off to his office {aka the local McDonald's}. He even coordinated a Nanna Day for lil J {since he could do his normal awesomeness in taking him to the office with him for the morning} so shopping would be that much easier. When I returned home we informed me he had good news. SWEET! I like good news! "People are coming to view our house at 6!" Even SWEETER!!! As I began my plan of attack on the house in my head Matt quickly grinned and said, "Well, there goes my afternoon." I love this man! He whooped tail going rabid on the garage. He moved all his boxes from his old church office who had found a temporary home in the garage down to the basement. DANG! Such a hoss! Only breaking for the potty and give me smoochies, he was non-stop until it was amazingly organized.

Did I mention he's looking hotter and hotter every day because he's doing this fun 'couch to 5K' thing and is committed to training/running at least every other day. Oh, and he always plans his runs early in the morning or late at night as to not miss family time.

After the peeps that came to see our house didn't jump on making an offer, I did what every rash person does in my situation... I email the realtor that showed our house. hehe I just let her know I would love some feed back: likes, dislikes, concerns, etc. Sadly, she responded that they liked our house but were concerned with the flat roofed patio above the garage and the old water damage in the garage. When I let Matt know she'd actually responded to my insane plea to sell my house completely normal email correspondence with those concerns his pour face sunk. We both had high hopes of these being the ones! Then, he disappeared.

My man has installed a new drainage system in the floor of our patio! He is also planning to fix the quirks in his amazingly designed system before re-sheet-rocking the ceiling in the garage. Take that dis-satisfied potential home buyers! Oh, and I forgot to mention, he bought me 'new-to-me' patio furniture from Craig's List! 1st patio furniture Every AND I get to pick out new cushions!

These are just the new ways he's found to love me this week, added to the doing breakfast duty so I can shower, helping with my babes, changing ridiculous amounts of poopy diapers {ya know, since he can't smell. For Real}, and doing nightly bath/bed so I can do my 'chores'. I love my man!!!!

I know yours isn't ever gonna be as cool as mine but if ya wanna share anyways, comment below or hit up Jessica's link-up to share with many others!

 This series is sponsored by:My Husband Rocks Tees & more @ Union28.net!

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