Family Halloween Costumes {Thoughtful Thursday}

If you last minute like we are some years, here are some cheap ideas or couple and family costumes!

Couple Costume Ideas:

The Incredibles

Black Face Paint
Red Off-brand Under-Armor Long Sleeve Shirts
Black Ladies Panties
Yellow Duct-tape
Red Tights
Black Boots
Printed logo on sticker paper

Family Costume Ideas:

Fireman, Firetruck, Fire-dog

Fireman: borrowed an actual fireman's outfit

Fire-dog: dalmatian costume cheap from Wal-Mart

Firetruck: Paint Cardboard Box like a firetruck
Cute a hole in the top large enough for the person wearing the costume
Cut small holes in the corners of the box threading twin through the holes
Knot twin inside the box at the length the person needs it
Wear solid colored clothing under as to not distract from the costume

Farmer, Farm-Dog, Prize-Winning-Pumpkin

Farmer: solid shirt under overalls with hubby's flannel over top- prego tummy simulates pot belly ;o)

Prize-Winning-Pumpkin: pumpkin costume borrowed from family friends

Farm-Dog: borrowed Awana Cubbie Bear costume
Safety pin fake fur from the Walley World cut into long floppy ears over the bear ears
Added a scarf to hide gap between head and neck of costume


Diet Coke Can: duct-tapped together 2 old banners
Loop the ends around 2 hoola hoops and duct-tape

Lady Bug: dalmatian costume cheap from Wal-Mart

Chicken Leg: brown sweat pants that fit and hubbies larger zip-up hoody stuffed with prego tummy and an extra pillow

Bag of Grapes: 2 clear 'gift bags' that are made to go over gift baskets
fill with green balloons
knotted together at the right length over shoulders {easy to remove if uncomfortable}
Solid colored clothing under costume as to not take away from actual costume.

"3 Little Pigs"

3 Little Piggies:
little girls: pink sweat pants under skirts
long sleeve pink shirt *either under another shirt or a shirt that already had pink sleeves hanging out

adult: pink leggings under shirt
Pink long sleeve shirt under another shirt

Everyone: Pink small triangles glued on larger triangle shaped ears hot-glued onto a headband
Foam cut into a spiral and pulled loose stitched to the booty of the skirts
Face paint on a pink noses

Big Bad Wolf: gray hoodie with gray foam triangle cut out ears stitched to the hood
flannel shirt over hoodie
overalls over shirt and hoodie with another foam cut out in the shape of a tale stitched on to the booty of the overalls
Face paint {or use mascara} on a black nose

Brick House: Red long sleeve t-shirt with bricks painted on with acrylic paint
Paint a roof on to a folded piece of cardboard safety pinned onto a stocking cap

Don't forget to take some fun pictures of your awesome costumes and print some prints, make a keepsake or even an entire scrapbook!

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Test Baby

Dear Test Baby,

Sorry, that God chose to let us test our parenting abilities out on you. I'm sorry you were given to us first. There's a lot of woes that comes with that.

You are teaching us to be parents while we're trying to teach you ... well, all kinds of things.

We had/have no idea what we're doing. We've read all kinds of books, articles, and blog posts trying to figure it out. We've watched moves and talked with friends, family, and random acquaintances about how to do this thing called parenting. We're really no closer to knowing the right way to do this.

Don't get me wrong. We know our job is to teach you about the One who loves you, made you, died for your mistakes, and wants to know you deeper than you could imagine but how we're supposed to do that is the part we struggle with. You are an individual. Though we like to say "She has your memory. She has your toes {poor girl}. She has your eyes. She has your OCD. She has your _____." you're not exactly like anyone. It might be way easier if you were. We'd know what worked and didn't work with that person and then we could create a formula for raising you in the love and admonition of the Lord but alas, you're not.

You probably bare the brunt of the harshest discipline. The highest expectations. The most rigid diet. The most delayed 'big kid' milestones.

Thanks for loving us through the growth pains. Know that we are constantly praying for guidance. Reading up on the best tactics, practices, safety issues, health promoting whatevers to try to do this thing called parenting the best for you.

Know that we love you more than you could imagine. We take delight in you. We pray you see, hear, and feel that! We are trying our hardest to train you in the ways of the Lord.

Oh my sweet Test Baby,

I'm so excited you were given to us first. That God chose to let you be our first love. The one that we experience all the first milestones with. The one who taught us how to love. How to become more self-less. The one who is continuing to teach us more and more about the character of God through innocent eyes. Showing us His heart as our heavenly father. There are so many blessing that come with being the test baby. We pray the blessings out number the woes.

We LOVE you!
your mommy {and daddy}


Linked to Dear First Born – An Apology @ the Bohemian Bowmans
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Some Times a Mom Needs to Brag

Some times a momma needs to brag to feel accomplished with her routine tasks. Just say'n...

My girls both went to Nanna's for a sleepover last night leaving me and the lil man to hunker down for the night after heading to Lowes to grab some lemon grass {fail} and mums. We got home and I put Jamin straight to bed, sleepy boy!

When he was asleep I headed straight for the van to grab my plants and get them in the pots on the front porch.

I spot cleaned the living room carpet.

"Watched" Friends while writing a guest blog post.

Wrote a Thoughtful Thursday post {before it wasn't Thursday anymore}

And worked on my new "Virtual Assistant" job's site {more info soon} all while eating too many {not even very good} no-bake cookies and avoiding writing my #healthymomseries post for the week.


This morning felt like I slept in even though it was 7 {like normal} when the J woke up.

I cheated and we ate cereal in the living room and he watched Veggie Tales {laughing, cheering, and dancing} while I wrote 1 & 1/2 post for my blog.

When he got bored of the movie I brought in his Little People and he played forever.

THEN, J picked a fight with me so I'd chase and wrestle him. All B.O.Y. misses his daddy.

At like 10am, he ASK to sit at the table in his boaster I fed him lunch. While he ate

  • I cleaned the kitchen
  • put away clean dishes
  • moved and started a new load of laundry
  • took out 2 bags of trash
  • checked the mail
  • loaded the dishwasher

When he was down for his nap @ 10:30, I frantically cleaned all 3 upstairs {NASTY} bathrooms in anticipation of the girls coming home.
{you know it's time to clean when pink stuff starts growing on your blue shower}

Showering, making beds, and working on tagging my consignment items has yet to be checked off the list...

Now I am working on a few more VA details and just found out the girls are coming home around noon.

OOoooo, I almost forgot, I need to eat lunch! See ya later!

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Wordless Wednesday :: Big Screen Debut

Because my husband is the one who is so cleaver to come up with these mystery dates for our adorable littles, this post is in honor of him. My Husband ROCKS!

My Husband Rocks posts are sponsored by

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Play Dates: Helpful or Hurtful {continued}

Yesterday I share with you about a group of friends I observed having a play date at the park. There was desirable community but it came with bumps and bruises on the kid side of things. We got some conversation started yesterday! Head over there and chime in or speak up on this post!

Having experience the pros and cons of play dates and then watching this one has me thinking. Are play dates really worth it? Are they more helpful for the family unit as a whole or are they more hurtful? Am I selfish for desiring that mom time? Am I neglecting my child's needs by engaging in adult talk time? Is it worth the "get out the door" fuss? Are my children benefiting form this in anyway?

YES! was the conclusion God helped me land on. Fellowship is not always convenient but it is necessary! People in general have a need for human interaction no matter how introverted the person. That's how we were created. As believers even more so. We need like-minded fellowship. Just Look at Acts 2:42-47 where it talks about the believers in the early church.

The Fellowship of the Believers

42They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. 44All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. 46Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

Now we’re going to do a little Greek lesson today. When it says “they devoted themselves to the fellowship.” the Greek word that’s used there for Fellowship is the Greek word “koinonia” {coin-a-knee-a}. This is the first time we see that word used in the New Testament, but it’s used over and over and over again to refer to fellowship. Now what does that mean? It’s a word we sometimes throw around in church, but what does it really mean to have fellowship? Basically it means they devoted themselves to the things that held them in common. The root idea here is commonness or commonalities. And it’s used many different times in the New Testament to describe the way the church related to each other.

  1. An uncommon foundation- they belonged to each other in Christ.
  2. An uncommon social concern- they shared everything they had.
  3. An uncommon mission- they unified in their worship and then they multiplied through their witness
Okay, so those are some big truths that my hubs and I have been working through overt the past year and this is the foundation of The Valley, hence my passion on the topic.

Let's figure out how that practically relates to Play Dates! We mom's need play dates! Now, all of us would say that but few of us are really making this a priority. You know, the kind of priority that says, "This weeks play date is as essential as this weeks grocery shopping!" I am beyond guilty of this. I value church attendance {sitting in a pew listening to a sermon} and even bible study {a group sitting around dissecting a passage of scripture} WAY over fellowship. I don't really think "hanging out" is all that important. If I have to scratch something off my to-do list because I'm strapped for time.

The challenge for you and me the same: make "koinonia" priority!

  • Meet a group of people in the same phase of life. For me this means a group of women. 25-35 years old. Preferably with kids. Keep in mind, there is NO ONE exactly like you. Hanging out with men and women is cool but never 1 on 1. Someone around your age group will most likely be in your stage of life and if you have kids don't think someone has to have kids to relate to you although it can be helpful.
  • Pick a time that works for everyone most of the time. There will never be a perfect time and there will Always be times when not everyone can make it. Try and be consistent. This should be something reliable for all involved.
  • Hang Out! There does NOT have to be a theme, bible study, or agenda at these things. Living life together just means being in the same physical space regularly, talking about day-to-day things, and being there. If your Christians, Christ will come up because He's part of {your entire} life not because you were supposed to talk about Him or His word.

Are you with me and have a hard time making fellowship a priority? What are some ways you do or will start "devoting" yourself to "koinonia"?


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