Advent {Day 4}: Homemade Gifts

Maggie's turn in the kitchen and as a guest blogger!

Hi, my name is Magdalene Reese! I am 3.5 years old and I love playing mamma! Today I'll be showing you how to make homemade playdough. You can share it like we are going to do if you want to. You can even print the labels my mamma made. Let's start with the recipe. It's the easiest one I've seen but then again...this is my 1st time making playdough.

Homemade Playdough

1 cup flour
1 tablespoon oil
1 teaspoon salt
Lots of teaspoons of Water


Dump flour in a bowl.

Add oil.

Add salt.

Add water until it's doughy consistancy. If it gets too sticky just add some more flour. {I like using a teaspoon or tablespoon to add the water from a larger measuring cup because it feels like I get to put way more ingredients in}

Mix with fork. Using your hands to need the dough gets it more evenly mixed {and it's more fun!}

If you like things that are colorful like me then you might want to add some food coloring to your dough to make it prettier. I was afraid my hands would get stained from the dye so my mommie put plastic bags over my hands and held them on with loose fitting rubber bands.

After I had on my homemade gloves I needed the food coloring into the dough. We added a little water on top of it before needing it and that help spread the color better. We then added a little more flour to make sure it wasn't too sticky and it ended up looking kind of like peppermint! Perfect for Christmas gifts!

We divided up the dough up the dough and then rolled them into little balls to stick down into our jars.

To give all my Sunday school friends a Christmas present we divided the dough into baby food jars and added a playdough poem. We flipped the label upside down, painted with mod podge, then rolled the jar across it {covering the remaining sticky residue from the original label}.

Then we cut tissue paper into little squares and tied them on around the lid with curling ribbon.

Click   Playdough Jar Printable for the printable label that fits baby food jars! Hope my friends like'm!

Thanks for letting me tell you about my 1st time making my own playdough!

What kind of homemade gifts to you like to make/receive?

To read more Rothacher's Advent Days click--->
Advent {Day 1}: Cookie Swap

Advent {Day 2}: Dizzie Izzie's
Advent {Day 3}: Giving Christmas Away

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Advent {Day 3}: Giving Christmas Away

As a family, we have begun the tradition of teaching our children to give Christmas away.

3 years ago we became even more intentional about this when we had our 1st child and it's been growing ever since. I would love to share more with you about the adventure God has taken us on as a family. I'm over at homemakerschallengedotcom telling our vision for giving Christmas away as well as practical ways for your family to join in this teachable season!

Our family is learning that if we really believe that God loved us enough to give His Son to save us then we can be "His hands, His feet, His love"--the entire year--not just during the Christmas season.


Please share your stories of Advent here or over at homemakerschallengedotcom! I LOVE hearing them!

To read more Rothacher's Advent Days click--->Advent {Day 1}: Cookie Swap and Advent {Day 2}: Dizzie Izzie's

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Yard Clean Up

Racking leaves and chop'n down trees

How have you spent your autumn days?

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Creative fun

The other day I brought this walker up from the basement to clean it up for my 10 month old. It was gross. I pulled the fabric seat liner thingy out and threw it in the wash. Then I scrubbed up the entire thing. My almost-2-year-old watched this entire process. She stared at the toy after it was clean. She slowly walked over to it and began playing with the toys on the tray. 22 months old. Not a baby. Not a big girl. I decided to stick her in the seat-less walker and let her "drive" it around the house. Success! She LOVED it!!! I was hoping this would {momentarily} decrease the fights over who will drive (push) the little tikes car and who will ride.

Didn't really work. When my 3.5-year old woke from her nap and discovered the new toy in our house, saw how her sister had learned to crawl into it and how it worked she wanted a turn.

Then, big sis, taught her to climb over and out rather sitting down and crawling under.

Yep, everyone but the 10 month old had their turn while the seat was being washed and dried. That's okay. He had his turn.

In BOTH! ;o)

What wierd creative thing are you going to do today? Maybe something you Pinned? Let's start doing them! Share!!!

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Technology...oh the love hate relationship we have.

God created everything and it was {is?} good. He's given us so many things that our lives are benefiting from but all also have the opportunity to become a sin.
Why would God "make" things we are commanded to 'flee' from? If I have these tough questions how am I supposed to answer the incessant questioning of my 3-year-old?
Recently she is always asking me, "Did God made ____?" She ask this about everything! Some answers are a simple "Yes" others are a little trickier.

"Did God make me?"

"Did God make that tree?"

"Did God make that bird?"

"Did God make that car?"

"Did God make that building?"

"Did God make that phone?"
"Uhhhh... {I've been tried to come up with a go-to answer for these types of questions}
... God made people smart enough to make things." Said through clinched teeth wondering if that answer would suffice. Does she understand that? Is that the right answer?

God made Maggie, trees, and birds. And God saw it was good! -Genisis 1

It's easy to say that. But did God make that building for His creation to use to sin against Him? Did God make that phone for His creation to use it to sin against Him and His creation?

Tough answers for an ever-growing mommy trying to train up her children in the way they should go so they will not depart from it. I want what I teach them to be the TRUTH. If they are not going to depart from it then I want it to be correct. The Truth.

What would your answer be to these probing questions?

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