A friend once, in the middle of a conversation told me she felt like she was loosing her grip. She felt as though she couldn't hold on much longer and she was gonna lose control.
Now, in this particular conversation, she that leadership should be picking up the slack she felt she was holding alone. But a profound fear came to the surface that most of us deal with at some time: the thought that a single person's grip was significant enough to determine the outcome of something.
She needed control. She feared what it would look like to lose grip and fall. She didn't feel falling was an option.
I'm here to say, some times, choosing to let go and fall is the Only option. The best option. And really, not an option at all.
You Can't Do It. You can't hold your world together. You weren't made to hold your world together. You were made as a tool. One of many tools to be used for the glory of God. You weren't made to hold anything together but to be a simple part of a bigger plan.
Choosing to let go is a brave chose. It's not giving up. It's not quitting. It's not a cop-out. Choosing to let go is choosing to FALL. If you choose to let go, do you know where you're falling? It should be the wisest decision you could ever make; if you trust what you're falling into.
If your trust is in the saving power of Christ then you are falling straight into his arms. He is faithful and just to catch you. I'm not saying you won't hit a few things on the way down depending on the path you chose but each of those bumps and bruises you endure will all be used because you chose to fall out of faith that Christ will catch you. He will be glorified in the fall.
Do you need to Let Go today?
Giving Christ your hopes of an ideal life is trusting His character. Trusting that He will catch you and then guide in the BEST life possible even if it doesn't look like the "American Dream".
Where are you falling if you "lose grip" or CHOOSE to fall today?

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