Okay mom- who out there has days {or months} were showering is not a top priority...or even on the list at all?
Yeah! I know lots of friends that can pull off the 2nd day hair or even have cool 'dry shampoo'. I can not. Although my hair is wicked thick, it's also super gree-say! I've tried the bang-pin-back, the pony, the fluff, and yes...even the {don't laugh!} baby powder on the scalp. Blaaak!
I used to snag my hub's hats but since he does everything but sleep in his hats and for reals can't smell a stank'n thing, after a while I couldn't stand the smell of them. I did how ever score this awesome hat from Union28. You KNOW I'm a big fan but when this not showering thing becomes a habit I need options to cover the not so blessed mess atop my noggin.
There is this lovely thing I've seen floating around Facebook on my gorgeous friends so you know a girls gotta steal a few ideas, right? Last summer, for our mission trip, I got this headband thingy off eBay {classy, ehh?}. It worked okay but still exposed most of the nastiness and was super tight on my giant melon.
In comes the Hoo-Rag!
This nifty little thing comes in a one-size-fits-all tube like thing that is super convertible. Me and the girls had lots of fun when it arrived in the mail!
The hide the hair
{IFY: this was not a 2nd day-er...not the clean bangs.
That NEVER happens on day 2. & sorry...all attempts were blurry}
The fluffy headband/earmuff
The cutesy painter
The second day-er
The day I wore the hoo-rag as a headband I lasted all day without having to pull it back up because it was running for it's life {aka squeezing off the back of my head} and it didn't give me a headache like most headbands do.
The day I stretched it from forehead back {partial ear coverage} I lasted most of the day until there was a break in the day large enough for a shower. I was going somewhere that night ;o). I was comfy. When I finally took it off it only left a slight mark across what my brother calls my 5 head {because it takes 5 fingers instead of 4 to cover it from eyebrow to hair line...but now, I don't have a complex or anything}. I think that was just because of the bunched up part I had underneath but it wasn't nearly as bad as all the other bandana things I've tried. I wore it out to "Cranberry's", the "car store" {aka 'Cranford's' grocery store around the corner that has those carts with cars on them}. I did feel slightly self-conscious because of my unusually tall head...you couldn't quite see my hair if I was looking straight at you {since I'd covered a large amount of that nasty you-could-make-McD's-fries-in-that-junk hair. I got a couple sympathetic looks, which I'm used to because people are so sad they are not blessed as I with 3 tiny kids ;o) but that day I think they thought I was going through chemo. Although this would be a super cute gift for someone who is...!
Anyways. I like it. My kids like it. My hubs does not but I put it on him anyways, b'wahahaha! I think I might have gone with a different pattern/color just because I don't have much that goes with this one but other than that, 4.798 out of 5 stars!
Isn't he cute!?! Biker. Hippy. Snowboarder/gas station armed gunman. Hehe. Maybe it was the flowers...couldn't have been the "hey honey. put this on and let me play dress up and take pictures AND post them on my blog"..."HOO-RAG" That's just fun to say!
This cool company contacted me and ask if I'd try out this hoo-rag if they sent me one and tell you about it.
Heck to the YES! All thoughts about "The Better Bandana" are my own ;o)
contains U28 affiliate links

hey jules. i’m catching up on your blog. i’m going to get me one of those hoo-rags.
I think you will sooooo like them ;o)
btw: I miss ya!