Today, I wanna show you around our kitchen. This was possibly The first room we had set up and organized. The kitchen is most often the center of the home. It keeps the family fed, energized, and running. Its also the forerunner in hospitality. Wither that's serving a simple drink, a snack, a full fledged meal, or simple conversation over clean-up- the kitchen, although overlooked in the organizational department, can function with so much more ease if de-cluttered and organized.
Here is a simple layout of our kitchen. Its not huge but its definitely not tiny. I love the basic layout and it has plenty of storage for everything we could possibly need. I've labeled all the cabinets and drawers and then I'll have pictures of the insides of each of those below. This layout is so you can visualize where each cabinet/drawer is in relation to the staples of the kitchen: sink/dishwasher, oven/microwave, and refrigerator. I've also tried to give you an idea of where things are located in relation to other rooms so you can understand my logic in its placement.
Starting on the top row of cabinets, working left to right:
Medicine Cabinet {click for this image withOut labels}
Storage Container Cabinet {click here for this image withOut labels}
Baking Cabinet {click here for this image withOut labels}
Cookbook Cabinet {click for this image withOut labels}
Plastic Serving Dishes Cabinet
Starting with the drawers from left to right:
Silverware & Empty for Baby Items Drawers{click here for this image withOut labels}
Knife & Often Used Utensil Drawer {click here this image withOut labeles}
Starting with the lower cabeinets, working left to right and ending with the bottom 2 {of 3} drawers between the oven and fridge
Plates, Bowls, and Cups Cabinet {click here for this image withOut labels}
Paper Goods Cabinet {click here for this image withOut labels}
Pan Cabinet {click here for this image withOut labels}
Moving to the other side of the kitchen past the laundry door and pantry is the "buffet".
Starting with the drawers, left to right:
Baking Tools Drawers {click here for this image withOut labels}
Starting with the lower cabinets, left to right:
My "Monica's Closet" Cabinet {click here for this terribly nasty image withOut the labeled excuses}
That's our kitchen...I didn't give much description of these images but I'd love to answer any questions you have about them. I didn't want to bore those who just wanted to see. Thanks for coming by!
find other post in this series HERE

[…] are logically linked: you have to empty the dishwasher to have dishes to set the table with. We organized our kitchen so our children could access daily dishes easily and other items get stacked on the counter for a […]