Hello mamma with loot of Halloween candy you desperately need to make disappear! It's not even Thanksgiving/Christmas season yet and we are all gaining poundage by the minute with all this "fun sized" candy laying around. To start with, use the candy for fun "educational" tools. This will get this kids thinking of the candy as more than just for eating as a snack. Then I've got some ideas to help you sneak out that candy or to get the kids excited with you about all the "opportunities" you have to share it in fun ways.
Education Uses for Halloween Candy:
- Math Sorting: by chocolate vs fruity, by type, by size, and then you can break them down into color for things like MnMs and Skittles.
- Math Graphing: learning about graphing by creating lines of candy next to one another can create bar graphs and you can discuss greatest, least, same, most popular, grossest, weirdest, etc.
- Science experiments: this can run from anything like "which melts fastest" to "which one dissolved in _____ the fastest". This will be fun but the candy still won't have to be eaten.
- Language Lessons: alphabetical order according to name of candy, mad libs, compound words, etc.
10 Ways to Rid The House of Halloween Candy:
- Operation Christmas Child Boxes: our number one way to "share" our bounty is by sorting out the hard, non-melty, non-chocolate candies for kids who don't have any candy much less an entire loot
- Cookies for Friends and Neighbors: MnM cookies, monster cookies, better than anything cake with candy toppings,
- Nursing Homes: make your candy a good excuse to go make some new friends who may need a visit
- Stockings: we've totally done this! Put back a little bag of each child's favorite candy and scatter it into their stocking.
- Birthday Party Pinata: smacking a pinata is always fun but can be expensive to stuff if you don't already have the candy laying around
- Party Favors: if your kids birthday {or a friends kids'} are near Halloween, make up some stuffed goody bags Full of candies.
- Neighbor Treats: holiday themed treats like Turkey cookies
- Work Candy Bowl: loose the pride and hose all your work friends by placing a bowl of goodies out that they can't resist.
- Waitress Tips: add to your generous cash tip for your waitress with a little goody pick-me-up for the night
- Bribery: forget the same and call it what it is, keep a few treats as school bribes for good, on-task, fast work.
I am SURE there are lots of other educational uses for the candy stash as well as creative ways to Get. Rid. Of. Candy. Boom! #mommied

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