I have exciting news! I am now a VA {virtual assistant} of sorts! hehe I'm not really sure what I'm doing but I've recently been given the opportunity to assist a cool business/ministry, Above All Else, with their online needs. So far I've been able to help create a new site for them, post tons of stuff via social media on their behalf along with lot of other fun stuff I'm learning that's way out of my league. We will be launching the new site, AboveAllElseService.com this Thursday, November 1st!
You can totally learn more about Brandi Shinn on her blog HERE. This blog will carry over to the new site along with lots of other aspect. You can also participate in the giveaways we're hosting over the days leading up to the launch HERE.
This is consuming lots of time right now and this week I also need to catch up on preschool work with my girls, take them on a HIPPY preschool field trip, as well as prep my entire closet full of items to sell at the consignment event, Duck Duck Goose going on here in Pine Bluff this week. Did I mention I'm working at said event 4 days AND that my 4-year-old is having a difficult time adjusting to daddy's new work schedule and is begging for more attention through giant temper-tantrums, pooping herself, and making lots of other bad choices?!? Yeah. This week my time and energy needs to be focused else where.
Jut wanted to let you all know I'll be taking a short hiatus this week and possibly next week depending on how this week goes. Thanks for your understanding! Poke around some old stories if you'd like. Maybe I'll tweet some stuff from the archives every once in a while??

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