Some of us LOVE having people into our home and others...not so much.
Whether you do or don't like it, many of us just don't do it. I think most of the time we aren't hospitable for one or more of the following reasons.
- We don't feel like our house is big, clean, nice, host-able {for whatever reason} enough.
- We are too busy and aren't home enough to have others over.
- We feel like its going to be a lot of work that we don't have the energy for.
I can't solve all these issues but I have found something that helps with a little of all of them. Creating a hospitality set will allow you to
- have a set of dishes clean for just the occasion
- to grab fast when last-minute hospitality opportunities arise
- and it's ready with little to no effort.
This is how I created my hospitality set {based on my most common hospitality needs}:
- purchased 16 bowls and 16 plates at the Dollar tree for $1 for a set of 4,
- silverware from a local open-to-the-public restaurant store
- used containers also from the Dollar tree to store them in. hospitable
This set stays under the counter in these containers and are ONLY used for sudden {and main large} hospitality. This keeps me from freaking out about not having enough dishes clean to feed everyone, it's so easy to get ready, my kids can snatch these items and lay them out, and I don't feel overwhelmed cleaning up afterwards because these are dishwasher save but the kids also think its fun to hand-wash them and I'm not scared to let them.
***Another really cool thing about this set that I just realized, they're Dry-Erasable! Marking friends and family's drinks/plates/bowls are easily marked. Very important right now during flu season! ***
We also have a mini-fridge to set up a drink/snack station this summer for neighborhood friends! What common hospitality needs do you have that might need to be considered for a set you're building?

I like this idea. We have had more opportunities for showing hospitality lately and I don’t have enough dishes for much extra company. 🙂
That’s where we were Amber. I try my hardest to keep everything {even dishes} to a minimum. I didn’t want to buy more of the fiestaware I love bc that’s expensive and I wanted to concentrate on loving on people rather than worrying about dish-safety. lol I’m also totally selling out to the cheap restaurant silverware when our fun colorful {cheap} stuff all notes the dust.