Hey Everyone! Jules has been so kind as to allow me to put a guest post up on her site in order to tell you a little about an exciting event coming to Little Rock later this month!
On Saturday, September 28,
COLOR IN MOTION 5K is coming to
We recently contacted Jules and asked her to help promote the event to all of the awesome people in her area that are following her blog. Now here are the details:
Where: Arkansas State Fairgrounds, 2600 Howard Street, Little Rock
Charity Partner: United Cerebral Palsy of Arkansas (Link: http://www.ucpark.org/)
Time & Date: Saturday, September 28th, 9:00 AM.
But what exactly is the race? I’d tell you in my own words but I’m a true die-hard fan of what it says on our website:
“Exactly that.... It is your moving body plastered in an explosion of vibrant color with all your friends! How many times have you paid money to run around a few city blocks, drink a cup of warm Gatorade, eat a banana, and be given a t-shirt that you will probably only wear once every two months while doing yard work? Why not color outside the lines while being active, social, and a little wacky! The Color in Motion 5k gives you all these benefits plus unforgettable fun and heaps of memories! By the end of the CIM5k your blank canvas will be brighter than ever--your clothes, health, and outlook on life will be changed for the better!”
Want to see a little more? Check us out on YouTube:
Everyone is invited to the race! If you’re a runner that always wants to keep track of time and come out looking for a personal best, you’re more than welcome to! If you’re a family looking for a nice jog, but not to finish first, come on down too! We don’t time our events so everyone is welcome to come!
And our color is a combination of corn starch and dye – it’s 100% safe and all you need to do is get in the shower to get it out. Oh yeah, a scrub just a little, but it’s totally worth it!
So if you want to get the full effect of the race wear white and you’ll be a colorful assortment by the end! Or if you don’t want to bring your own white shirt, we’ll provide one with our logo in your race packet! We’ll also give you…
“…a Color In Motion 5K bracelet, and a packet of COLOR! You can use your color to throw on your friends as you run or save it until the end to attack them with color in our post race dance party! We recommend saving your color ’til the end so you can partake in all the crazy color goodness that the post race party has to offer. There will also be plenty of super colorful swag you can buy at the race: tank-tops, shirts, socks, hats and last but not least… we are bringing back the fanny pack!”
It’s going to be so much fun! And here’s the great part! We’re offering a special discount to all of As Jules Is Going’s readers!
All you have to do is enter the code “asjulesisgoing” when registering for the race and you’ll receive 20% off your registration price!
So head on over and sign up now! Register here: http://colorinmotion5k.com/Little_Rock.
If you’re looking to volunteer as well, you can do it on the same website!
So let’s go with a final rundown to make sure we got everything:
Colorful, Fun 5K race is coming to Little Rock
Saturday, September 28th at State Fairgrounds
20% off registration with the promo code: asjulesisgoing
We hope to see you at the race! Direct any questions to William@colorinmotion5k.com. (That’s me!)
Hope to see you at the race!

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