
Skin Suit

What do you think of when you hear the word incarnational? This is my husbands new favorite term! {the idea}

Jesus with skin on. That was the 90s term along with other phrases like living for Jesus, what would Jesus do, being Jesus to the lost.

All of those are true. Incarnational is the newest description of the concept of dying to yourself and committing your life to the advancement of the gospel of Christ.

What is your God-given personality? Excluding your sinful habits and temptations your prone to. What are your interests? What makes you laugh, cry, hide, dance? Where did you grow up, go to school? Who did you marry? Where have you chosen to live now?

All of these things God want to use. He has created you a specific way and placed you in a particular way. All "for such a time as this". {Esther 4:14}

The body of Christ needs you to be Jesus with your skin on. How are you doing that?


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